Pretoria, 25 June 2022 (TDI): The President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosas spoke at the virtual BRICS summit chaired by China on Friday.

Remarks of South African President

The South African President in his opening remarks spoke about the impact of Covid-19 on the economies of emerging countries.

He also discussed the need for immediate Economic partnership among the members of the BRICS virtual summit. Moreover, President Ramaphosa put a great emphasis on cooperation in different sectors.

In addition, the President of South Africa talked about the trade and investment sector partnership among the BRICS states.

He said that tourism is a very essential and important sector and we must work together to enhance this sector.

Similarly, the President of South Africa stated that the Health and Safety of people are very important to attain stability.

Likewise, Cyril Ramaphosa also presented the principles of South Africa’s Foreign Policy and said the policy is based on the existence of dialogue.

He added that South Africa believes in the power of multilateral dialogue and Negotiations to solve collective problems.

The President reported that he would continue to work for the peace and stability of the region. In the same way, he also urged the participants of the BRICS summit to provide humanitarian aid to the emerging countries for their sustainable development.

Most importantly, he also talked about the emerging and serious issue of climate change and its adverse impact.

Finally, South African President alluded to the importance of Institutional Development which results in the prosperity of the country.


BRICS represents the bloc of five emerging economies of the World. The BRICS countries include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS was founded in 2009 and has held 14 summits to date.

The motivation behind the formation of BRICS was to promote regional integration and discuss different socio-economic trends.

Previously, the South African President also expressed his expectations for the collaboration between South Africa and other BRICS nations.

BRICS summit