New York, 18 April 2023 (TDI): Russia  convened a Security Council meeting on North Korea at the request of some delegations, Russia’s permanent representative Vassily Nebenzia said.

The meeting took place after North Korea launched an intercontinental missile on 12 April.

Vassily Nebenzia also said that the Russian mission is strongly opposed to the mainstreaming of such Security Council meetings for “propaganda purposes”

The permanent representative stated that countries that initiate such meetings to discuss the situation around the Korean peninsula, the US in the first place, are themselves involved in escalating the tensions.

Also read: Russia assumes UN Security Council Presidency for April 2023

He accused the US of offering a one-sided account of what is happening and stressed the need of handling the issue  comprehensively.

He said that the situation around the peninsula is tense and conveyed that  Russia opposes any military activity which might put the security of the Korean peninsula and East Asia in jeopardy.

The deployment of strategic weapons on the peninsula and frequent military exercises by the US are posing a threat  to the survival of DPRK, the Chinese mission to the UN tweeted.

The Chinese permanent representative Zhang Jun said that North Korea took unprecedented denuclearization measures in 2018 and 2019.

Zhang Jun said that because of the US failure to respond on the principle of “action for action”, flip flops in its policy, and reversion to sanctions the opportunities to solve the Korean peninsula issue have been missed again and again.

He further said that the denuclearization of North Korea and establishing a peace mechanism on the peninsula are indispensable and stressed  the need for a “dual track approach” to solve the crisis.

The US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas- Greenfield condemned  North Korea’s  April 12 intercontinental ballistic missile launch calling North Korea’s actions reckless.

She said that many members are frustrated by Security Council’s inaction towards the issue and that two Council members responsible of this inaction also defend North Korea’s behavior, hinting at Russia and China.

Before the remarks by the ambassadors,  Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari briefed the Council and the disunity among the members of the Security Council is not enough to reverse the negative trajectory on the Korean peninsula.

He stressed diplomacy and avoiding isolation to solve the crisis.