Geneva, 16 September 2021 (TDI): Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of UN, met Special Envoy of UNHCR. The meeting took place on 16th-September 2021.
The Special Envoy of UNHCR Angelina Jolie is an actress as well as a human rights activist. The Special Envoy of Refugees is also the author of numerous books. Recently she wrote a book called, “Know your rights: and Claim them.”
The book teaches the Children the rights that they possess throughout their lives. In 1989, international governments signed to protect children’s rights but failing to fulfill them, she wrote in her book.
Secretary-General of UN on meeting Special Envoy expressed gratitude. Antonio Guterres applauded the efforts of the Special Envoy of UNHCR, Angelina Jolie for raising the voice for Children’s Rights. Every child has the right to a healthy and serene childhood to grow exceptionally, said the Secretary-General of the UN.