Samarkand, 17 September 2022 (TDI): The Russian President at the end of his visit to Uzbekistan answered the media questions, in a press conference, after attending the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit.

Also read: SCO Summit 2022 wrap up 

Statement of the Russian President:

While answering the question regarding the SCO Summit’s prospects for development and Russia’s part in SCO, the Russian President said:

“The most important thing always and everywhere is economic development. And the SCO, cooperation with the SCO countries creates conditions for the development of the Russian economy, and hence the social sphere and the solution of tasks that stand in the sphere of raising the living standards of our citizens.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization consists of the states on whose territory it lives, it has already been saying many times, almost or even slightly more than half of humanity. This is 25 percent of the world’s GDP. And most importantly, and most importantly, the economies of the countries of the region, the countries that are members of the SCO, are developing at rates much higher than the world ones.

Now there was a separate meeting, and at a working lunch we were sitting next to the Prime Minister of India – 7 per cent growth of India’s GDP, 5-odd – China and China has been a leader for quite a long time, and the potential is huge. Our trade with these countries is growing rapidly. If such rates continue, and they will certainly continue, based on a number of objective circumstances, this means that we must be among these countries, next to them, ensuring our interests. This is what we do, and that is the most important thing.”

Russian President on Ukrainian War and Western response

On the second media question, which was about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the response of Ukraine and the West to Russia, the Russian President said:

“For decades the idea of ​​the collapse of the Soviet Union, and historical Russia, and Russia as such, its core, has been constantly cultivated in Western countries.

The fact that they(western countries) have always strived for the disintegration of our country is for sure. The only regret is that at some point the idea arose to use Ukraine to achieve these goals. As a matter of fact – I am answering you now, and the conclusion suggests itself – in fact, in order to prevent such a development of events, we launched a special military operation. This is exactly what some Western countries, led by the United States, are striving for and have been striving for – to create such an anti-Russian enclave and shake, and threaten Russia from this direction. This, in fact, is our main goal – to prevent such a development of events.”

The media reporters further asked questions regarding the stance of the Russian President on the Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict and the G20 summit.