New York, 28 February 2022 (TDI): Russian Permanent Representative, Vadim Nebenzya, gave a speech in Motives of Voting on the Draft Resolution of the UN Security Council on Convening an Emergency Special Session of the UNGA amid Ukraine Crisis.
He delivered a speech on February 27.
Along these lines, the resolution aimed to avert the deteriorating security situation of Ukraine. However, United Nations remained unable to avert the Ukraine Crisis.
Purpose of UN
As per remarks of Russian Representative, Vadim Nebenzya, the purpose of the UN is to avert the horrors of another world war. In this context, the major powers must adopt the path of negotiations and dialogue along with the UN to mitigate the impacts of the Ukraine crisis.
For consensus, countries must not impose their stance or decisions on others. Besides, the world leaders must acknowledge the interests of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
Right of veto
It is pertinent to note that permanent members of the UNSC have the right to block any resolution. In this context, Russian Permanent Representative, Vadim Nebenzya, reiterated the right to veto a resolution is not a privilege.
It serves to ensure the balance of interests for global peace and stability. In addition to that, the Russian representative highlighted that it is completely against the UN Charter to ignore the position of the Russian Federation.
He further pointed out that the world must find a common ground in connection with various issues. This includes the Russian concerns regarding the NATO policy and violation of the OSCE principles on indivisibility and security.
How Ukraine Crisis Generated?
According to Vadim Nebenzya, the crisis didn’t start with the launch of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine. It goes back to the 2014 coup d’état.
Unfortunately, at that time UN did not notice the crimes of Ukrainian Nationalist leaders in the Donbas region.
He also remarked that the UN has still not uttered a single word of compassion for the Donbas.
Moreover, the Russian delegate stressed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nationalists destroyed the houses in Donbas. Regrettably, Western media didn’t report those events.
Now, it shamelessly broadcasts the events of the Ukrainian region. Thereafter, he mentioned that the media is still spreading lies about the bombing of schools, hospitals, and cities of Ukraine.
He remarked that the Russian army neither threatened nor fired on civilians. Instead, Ukrainian nationalists are threatening the Russian army. These nationalists have also taken inhabitants of Ukraine hostages and used them as a human shield.
He then noted that there existed many testimonies of civilians which go against the activities of Ukrainian nationalists. Despite the civilian protests, Ukrainian nationalists have placed multiple launch rocket systems and heavy equipment in residential areas.
Undoubtedly, he said that these actions come in violation of IHL. Above all, the Russian delegate stated that these are the same tactics that are used by ISIS as well. Perhaps, the current Ukrainian government will bear the consequences of these activities.
The residents of Ukraine are at mercy of radicals, criminals, robbers, and marauders. They face threats on daily basis due to this uncontrolled mob of nationalists. Similarly, residents of Kyiv and other cities have provided ample proof on the social media network.
Information War
Considering the current state of events, Russian Federation is now facing an information war in social media networks.
No evidence proves that the Russian military has destroyed the civilian infrastructure. Social media is showing footage and videos of the Donbas. These are the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists.
In the same vein, the Russian federation has posted tutorials on social network sites for the removal of fakes that are aiming to discredit the Russian military operation. Accordingly, 1.2 million fakes have been circulating on the social media platform of Ukraine.
Lastly, he urged his colleagues to avoid spreading misinformation because these lies are not going to be heard again.
MPhil Scholar at Centre of South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore