Moscow, 16 February 2022 (TDI): Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, met the OSCE Chairperson-in-office, Zbigniew Rau, in Moscow. The current OSCE Chairperson-in-office is the Foreign Minister of Poland.

The meeting took place on February 15. However, the objective of the meeting was to discuss the situation in and around Ukraine. The discussion also included the subject matter of Renewed OSCE European Security dialogue.

Sergey Lavrov stated that he is happy to meet the OSCE Chairperson in office. Although, he suggested that there is a need to arrange a special meeting to discuss the OSCE situation and to speak on key international events.

Besides, the meeting is also essential to discuss priorities set at the meeting of the Permanent Council in January 2022.

Remarks of Russian Foreign Minister

Along these lines, the Russian Foreign Minister remarked that Zbigniew Rau took charge of OSCE in difficult times. He further stated that OSCE is an organization of compromise, dialogue, and cooperation.

But, over the years, issues have generated that question the very foundation of OSCE. These issues also question the goals set by heads of governments at the platform of OSCE.

Moreover, he reiterated that Chairperson’s idea presented at the OSCE platform makes sense. He also commented on Russian ideas presented to the organization’s successful working.

Lastly, the Russian Foreign Minister stated that he is looking forward to points of common interests to ensure collaboration between the Russian delegations and their Polish colleagues. Indeed, this step is vital for successful OSCE chairmanship.

Remarks of OSCE Chairperson

The OSCE chairperson on his part stated during the meeting that the need of the hour is diplomacy and that it is the foundational basis of OSCE.

OSCE Mandate

OSCE mandate includes economic and politico-military aspects. It also talks about environmental and human aspects as well.

To clarify, the organization addresses security matters which include human rights, arms-control, confidence and security-building measures, national minorities, counter-terrorism, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, etc.

In this regard, all member states enjoy equal status. Every decision is taken by political consensus. Besides, decisions are not taken on a legally binding basis.

Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue

RESD is an initiative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Foreign Minister of Poland, Zbigniew Rau. It was launched at a high-level meeting on February 8.

The primary objective of the initiative is to provide a platform for dialogue in the context of escalating tensions in Europe. Rau remarked that it is vital to de-escalate the required dialogue and diplomacy framework.

It is also imperative for building trust, cooperation, and transparency. Initially, the process will focus on arms control and confidence-and-security building steps. It includes risk reduction, military transparency, and conflict prevention framework.

In the second phase, the initiative will look into recommendations in the field of non-military threats which includes cybersecurity, disinformation, and non-military threats.

OSCE-Russia relationship

It is pertinent to note that Russia considers OSCE as a backbone organization in the Euro Atlantic region. In particular, the organization is working to promote collaboration in the context of security and peace.

The organization is aimed to provide security to its member states. OSCE has 57 member states along with 11 partner states. However, OSCE is facing a systematic crisis.

After the collapse of the bipolar world, the organization is struggling to manage its primary objective to resolve security matters based on mutual respect and equality.

For instance the role of OSCE in the context of the Yugoslavia crisis of 1999. As per UN Charter and Helsinki’s final act, no state can use force in international affairs.

Currently, still many countries are using the instruments of OSCE for the resolution of their security affairs. But, the institution buildup and charter are under discussion to remove the malfunctions.

As a result, OSCE has changed its focus from hard security to human rights agenda. In December 2010, the OSCE summit in Kazakhstan adopted the Astana Declaration. The declaration is set to form a security community free from different levels of security.

Besides, the declaration was aimed to revive the primary charter of OSCE. But, there is still a need for progress to fully implement the declaration. The same goes for the Minsk group where there is a need for further work and progress.