Seoul, 5 March 2022 (TDI): Jong Kun Choi, the Vice Foreign Minister of South Korea condemned the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine. He further declared that the ROK-US alliance is undoubtedly strong and sound.

He said that the two allies are together against Russia for its premeditated and unjustified attacks on Ukraine. In one of the messages of the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken mentioned their togetherness in this state of war and emergency with Ukraine.

The US Secretary of State tweeted on 2 March and expressed that the US and the Republic of Korea stand together against Russia for “its premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine.”

He further stated that the ROK support for denying selected Russian banks and oligarchs access to SWFIT and exposition of export controls are helping to place massive costs on Russia.

The alliance between US and ROK is the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity for Northeast Asia as well as the Indo-Pacific region.

Over seventy years ago the alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea was forged on the battlefield determining the solidarity of togetherness in war.

This alliance has continued as a linchpin for stability and prosperity to evolve in the changing world. This alliance is united in the process to invigorate and modernize the ties to accept the challenges of the changing era.

South Korea and US relationship reaffirm their mutual commitment to strengthening the ties for the further defense of the Republic of Korea and their combined defense strategies under the ROK-US mutual defense treaty.

This also includes an affirmation to provide extended deterrence using its full range of capabilities and strategies to strengthen the alliance deterrence posture of maintaining joint military ventures and reiterate the condition-based transition of wartime operational control.

ROK announced the termination of its revised missiles guidelines, and the alliance’s commitment to complete the denuclearization of the South Korean peninsula.