Islamabad, 5 November 2022 (TDI): The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif will attend the 27th Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference aka COP 27 on Monday.

Asim Iftikhar, the Spokesperson for the Foreign Office, stated that more information about the visit will be released in due course.

27th Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP 27)

The largest annual gathering on climate action will take place in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh from November 6 through November 18.

The attendees will include Heads of State, Ministers, and negotiators, as well as climate activists, mayors, civil society representatives, and CEOs.

The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP27, will build on the conclusions of COP26. It will do so to produce action on a variety of issues crucial to addressing the climate emergency.

They include urgently reducing greenhouse gas emissions, developing resilience, and adapting to climate change’s inevitable effects, to delivering on the commitments to finance climate action in developing countries.

The COP27 is looking for renewed international cooperation to implement the historic Paris Agreement for people and the environment in the face of a worsening energy crisis, record greenhouse gas concentrations, & an increase in extreme weather events.

United Nations Climate Change Conference

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a framework for yearly conferences on climate change (UNFCCC).

They serve as the official gathering of the UNFCCC parties (Conference of the Parties, or COP), where they evaluate the status of efforts to combat climate change and negotiate the Kyoto Protocol.

Kyoto Protocol imposes binding obligations on developed nations to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases. The conferences now also serve as the “Conference of the Parties Serving as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol” (CMP).

Also read: Pakistan urges US, China to take collective action on climate change

It allows parties to the convention who are not parties to the protocol to attend meetings pertaining to the protocol as observers. This arrangement was implemented beginning in 2005.