Tashkent, 24 November 2022 (TDI): A ceremony of presenting credentials by newly appointed foreign Ambassadors to Uzbekistan took place on November 24, 2022.

The Ambassadors of the Republic of Korea, Kim Hee-sang; the Kyrgyz Republic; Musa Jamanbaev, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria; Boumediene Guennad, the Republic of Kazakhstan; Beibut Atamkulov, and the United States (US) of America; Jonathan Henick presented credentials to Uzbekistan’s President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The President warmly welcomed the newly appointed Ambassadors and congratulated them on the start of their diplomatic mission in Uzbekistan.

The President of Uzbekistan wished the Ambassadors success in their responsible and honorable mission after the ceremony.

He urged them to use their diplomatic skills, initiative, and activity to deepen relations with Uzbekistan, reveal its enormous potential, and look for new growth opportunities.

Diplomats expressed their appreciation for the cordial reception and the favorable circumstances that allowed for their fruitful activities, and they pledged to use all of their skills and resources to advance bilateral relations.

New Uzbekistan Development Strategy

According to the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy, the country is undergoing large-scale and irreversible reforms aimed at establishing a strong democratic constitutional state and a free civil society.

Uzbekistan pursues a balanced foreign policy based on mutual trust and respect, beneficial cooperation, and the strengthening of bilateral and multilateral ties with all nations in the context of a complex geopolitical environment.

A new level has been reached in relations with the nations of Central and South Asia, Europe, America, and the Arab Muslim world.

Ambassadors of the Republic of Korea, Kim Hee-sang; the Kyrgyz Republic; Musa Jamanbaev, the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria; Boumediene Guennad, the Republic of Kazakhstan; Beibut Atamkulov, and the United States (US) of America; Jonathan Henick presented credentials to Uzbekistan's President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Ambassadors of the Republic of Korea, Kim Hee-sang; the Kyrgyz Republic; Musa Jamanbaev, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria; Boumediene Guennad, the Republic of Kazakhstan; Beibut Atamkulov, and the United States (US) of America; Jonathan Henick presented credentials to Uzbekistan’s President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Cooperation with reputable regional & international organizations and international financial institutions is growing. High-level summits of the Organization of Turkic States & the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO were recently held in Samarkand.

It was emphasized that there needed to be more focus on advancing the principles of a market economy, active support for the private sector, and broadening the country’s appeal to foreign capital and technology.

As a result, over the past five years, the amount of foreign investment in the Uzbek economy has multiplied by ten and is now close to $40 billion.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev commented, “We have set a goal to double the gross domestic product of the country in the next 10 years. We have the desire and opportunities for this.

We expect to increase the volume of investments to $120 billion in the next 5 years, including at least $70 billion of foreign investments. Our country should be open to the world, and global markets should be open to us.”

In this vein, the President accentuated opportunities for extensive and protracted cooperation with nations represented by recently appointed Ambassadors.

Uzbekistan-Republic of Korea ties

In the Asia-Pacific region, the Republic of Korea (ROK/South Korea) is one of Uzbekistan’s principal trade and economic partners.

The two nations’ relations have advanced to the point of a special strategic partnership. Mutual trade has increased by 50% over the last five years, and by 30% this year, reaching $2 billion.

Korean investments have increased significantly, as has the number of joint ventures. Approximately 100 investment projects worth more than $14 billion are currently being successfully carried out in Uzbekistan.

These projects are in the fields of textiles, healthcare, housing construction, geology, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, and the automotive industry. Leading companies from this nation are participating in these projects.

The information technology, public administration, education, and medical fields in Uzbekistan heavily rely on best practices from Korea.

More than 200,000 members of the Korean diaspora are commemorating their 85th year of residence in Uzbekistan this year. Their public activities act as a special friendship bridge between the two nations.

The Uzbekistan-Korea Business Forum and Intergovernmental Commission will meet again in 2023, according to the schedule. It was emphasized that these platforms must be used effectively to find and develop new areas of collaboration.

Uzbek-Kyrgyz Relations

Speaking to the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan, the head of the state stressed that the peoples of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are close neighbors who share a common past, present, and future.

Between the two nations, a positive dialogue built on mutual respect & trust has been established. In March of last year, President Sadyr Zhaparov of the Kyrgyz Republic paid a state visit to Uzbekistan, beginning a new chapter in their relationship’s history.

The interests of both sides are taken into consideration as all current issues are swiftly resolved for the benefit of the friendly citizens of the two nations.

Thus, as a result of the agreements reached, the border issue was resolved, which was a first for the two countries. In the areas of the economy, agriculture, energy, transportation, education, culture, and humanitarian aid, cooperation is growing.

Also read: Uzbekistan, France to strengthen trade ties

The amount of trade between the two nations has increased by 30% to $1 billion since the year’s beginning. The beginning of regional infrastructure projects, like the construction of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan-China railway & the Kambarata hydroelectric power station, serves the interests of our friendly peoples.

There was optimism that the upcoming trip of the President of Uzbekistan to Kyrgyzstan would further solidify ties between the two countries.

Uzbekistan-Algeria ties

Algeria is a country in the Arab Muslim world that is rapidly developing. Currently, a strong legal foundation for favorable relations between the two nations is being established. There are active inter-parliamentary friendship and cooperation groups.

The President of Uzbekistan highlighted that it is time to give bilateral relations, based on shared values and respect, a systemic character.

Among the promising areas for partnership are the oil and gas industry, mining, textile, food industry, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and tourism.

It was suggested to hold the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission and the “Made in Uzbekistan” Industrial Exhibition the following year in order to fully realize the potential of bilateral cooperation.

Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan ties

For centuries, Kazakhstan has been Uzbekistan’s closest friend, neighbor, a partner in strategy, and ally. Bilateral relations have consistently shown high dynamics in recent years.

Relations between parliaments and regional interaction are advancing steadily. Investment projects worth $3 billion 500 million are being implemented in priority sectors.

The growth of bilateral trade, which has risen by 20% since the beginning of the year and is now close to $4 billion, is a clear indication of the two nations’ immense potential.

The Uzbek Culture Days that were held in Kazakhstan contributed to the rapprochement of the two closely related peoples.

It was expressed that there will be a new era in interstate relations as a result of the anticipated visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan in early December.

United States and Uzbekistan Relations

One of Uzbekistan’s most significant and trustworthy international partners is the US. This year marked the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration on Strategic Partnership as well as the beginning of diplomatic relations between the two nations.

The US firmly backs Uzbekistan’s territorial integrity and sovereignty as well as its ongoing comprehensive reforms. In Uzbekistan, prestigious American corporations like General Electric, General Motors, Hyatt, John Deere, Boeing, and Honeywell are successfully conducting business.

The head of state underscored that Uzbekistan is interested in boosting bilateral interaction in trade and investment, agriculture, textiles, energy, education, innovation, and healthcare under the new terms of the strategic partnership.

It was expressed that there would be an incentive for American business representatives to develop & launch new projects as a result of their attendance at the inaugural meeting of the Council of Foreign Investors under the Uzbek President.

It was also noted that maintaining the Afghanistan dialogue and multilateral cooperation in the C5+1 format will promote regional stability.