Ankara, 4 June 2023 (TDI): President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was officially sworn in for his new term as the President of Türkiye in a dignified ceremony held at the General Assembly Hall of the Parliament.
The event was attended by Members of Parliament, esteemed guests, and high-ranking officials, who warmly welcomed President Erdoğan and his wife, First Lady Emine Erdoğan.
Acting GNAT Speaker Devlet Bahçeli initiated the ceremony with a grand military procession, honoring the President’s arrival. President Erdoğan inspected the Presidential Guard of Honor, showcasing the utmost respect and admiration for the Turkish armed forces.
The President arrived at the General Assembly Hall through the Gate of Honor, accompanied by First Lady Emine Erdoğan, to a standing ovation from prominent guests and Members of Parliament.
During the ceremony, Acting Speaker Bahçeli presented President Erdoğan with his certificate of election, marking the official transfer of responsibilities.
Following this, President Erdoğan took the oath of office under Article 103 of the Constitution, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the Turkish nation and its core values.
In his oath, President Erdoğan solemnly pledged to protect the existence and independence of the state, the unity and integrity of the country and its people, and the sovereignty of the nation. He further vowed to uphold the Constitution, the rule of law, democracy, the principles and reforms of Atatürk, and the principle of a secular republic.
President Erdoğan emphasized his devotion to ensuring all individuals enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms in a spirit of peace, prosperity, national solidarity, and justice.
Moreover, he expressed his determination to uphold and elevate the honor and prestige of Türkiye and to carry out his duties with impartiality and dedication.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Anıtkabir, the final resting place of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, to pay his respects. After laying a wreath at the mausoleum, President Erdoğan inscribed a heartfelt message in the Anıtkabir Special Book, expressing his gratitude and commitment to the nation’s future.
In his message, President Erdoğan emphasized the resilience and determination of the Turkish people, highlighting the record turnout and the vibrant democratic atmosphere during the recent elections. He expressed his appreciation for the nation’s support, with a remarkable 52.
18 percent vote rate in the second round of the Presidential Elections.
Drawing attention to the devastating earthquakes that struck on February 6, President Erdoğan reaffirmed his commitment to healing the wounds and assisting the affected citizens.
He acknowledged the magnitude of the disaster and the urgency to provide solace and support to the affected communities.
He pledged to expedite the reconstruction efforts and ensure that the earthquake victims are provided with new homes within a short period.
As the 12th President of Turkey, President Erdoğan vowed to defend the nation’s eternal brotherhood, promote the country’s development, and strengthen the state. He expressed his unwavering dedication to serving the Turkish people for another five years and working tirelessly to realize the vision of Türkiye’s Century.
President Erdoğan relied on divine guidance and called upon the Almighty Allah’s help in fulfilling these responsibilities. On his inauguration for a new term as the President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the Presidential Complex, expressing gratitude to the nation and outlining his vision for the future.
With stress on unity, solidarity, and embracing diversity, President Erdoğan called for a renewed sense of brotherhood and collaboration among all citizens of Türkiye. He reiterated his adherence to serving the Turkish nation and building the Century of Türkiye.
Erdoğan commenced his address by extending a warm welcome to the attendees of the historic ceremony at the Presidential Complex. He thanked the Turkish people for honoring the ceremony and thanked them for their votes, support, and goodwill.
President Erdoğan underlined the essence of the recent elections and the high voter turnout. He emphasized that the democratic will of the Turkish people had been manifested twice, both in the parliamentary and presidential elections.
The Turkish President acknowledged the earthquake victims and praised their resilience in adversity. He also expressed gratitude to the international community and heads of state who congratulated him on his re-election.
Erdoğan underscored the importance of inclusivity and unity in Türkiye. He stressed that his government has always prioritized serving the entire nation, regardless of political affiliation, ethnicity, or belief.
Also Read: Türkiye 2023: “The Century of Türkiye” in the making
President Erdoğan referenced the teachings of prominent figures from Türkiye’s rich history, such as Sheikh Edebali, Yunus Emre, Pir Sultan, Mevlana, and Ahmedi Hani, as guiding principles for his administration’s approach. He stressed the need for love, tolerance, brotherhood, and embracing diversity in Türkiye’s development.
The Turkish President expressed his hope for a different attitude from the opposition and urged them to make peace with the national will for the sake of Türkiye and Turkish democracy.
Erdoğan announced that his new cabinet would be formed to continue building the Century of Türkiye. He pledged to hold the first cabinet meeting promptly and emphasized the importance of forward-thinking and focusing on the future.
The President expressed his commitment to fulfilling promises made during the election campaign. He stressed the need to learn from past mistakes while developing a libertarian, civilian, and inclusive Constitution.
Erdoğan highlighted Türkiye’s role as an active global player in solving crises, establishing peace and stability, and protecting the rights of the oppressed. He declared that Türkiye would continue to fight against terrorism, defend its rights, and work towards developing the Turkish and Islamic world.
President Erdoğan stated that Türkiye would take more initiative and demonstrate determination, courage, compassion, and active engagement in every sphere.