Islamabad, 12 September 2022 (TDI): In the wake of ongoing floods, the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has helped set up a tent village with 100 tents, constructed in Mirpurkhas, housing more than 600 people, mainly women and children.

This was shared in a tweet by the Pakistan Red Crescent Society.

Pakistan Crisis: Floods 2022 

Roads, homes, schools, and hospitals have all been destroyed by violent swells across most of Pakistan. Millions of people were forced from their homes and attempted to reach islands of safety through waist-deep, foul water.

Additionally, there have been predictions of an impending food catastrophe because nearly all of the nation’s crops, thousands of animals, and supplies of wheat and fertilizer have been devastated.

Besides this, the Pakistani government and international aid agencies have rushed to save individuals and a crucial power grid in what officials have called a climate disaster of massive proportions.

Moreover, this is since a deluge of monsoon rains stormed Pakistan last week, heaping more water on top of more than two months of record flooding that have killed hundreds of people and left homeless tens of millions.

Also read: UNDP affirms support to Pakistan

With additional rain expected in the coming weeks, around a third of the country, such as its agricultural belt, is currently underwater.

According to the nation’s planning minister, Ahsan Iqbal, the damage caused by the flood would probably be “much more” than the early estimates of about $10 billion.

Also, a nation already suffering from a financial downturn and double-digit inflation that has driven up the cost of necessities has been rendered helpless by the deluge.

Therefore, the government has warned that the current flooding threatens to throw Pakistan back years or possibly decades and ignite the fires of political unrest.

PRCS: An Overview 

The biggest humanitarian organization in Pakistan, the Red Crescent, was established in 1947 through parliamentary legislation.

Furthermore, it is collaborating on a mission to emerge as Pakistan’s top humanitarian organization, dedicated to preventing and easing human suffering by enlisting the help of volunteers.

Also read: WHO provides medical supplies to Pakistan amid floods