Islamabad, 2 October 2023 (TDI): In a vibrant display of friendship & solidarity, Pakistan’s iconic National Monument in Islamabad was bathed in resplendent red hues to commemorate the China’s 74th anniversary.

The picturesque celebration unfolded on October 1, 2023, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to join in the festivities.

Visitors from all walks of life flocked to the National Monument, witnessing the striking transformation as it was illuminated in the bold and symbolic color of red.

This awe-inspiring spectacle served as a poignant reminder of the enduring bond between Pakistan and China, two nations united by shared values and aspirations.

The monumental illumination, captured by Xinhua photographer Ahmad Kamal, showcased the magnificence of the National Monument against the night sky, creating an enchanting atmosphere for those in attendance.

As part of the celebratory decor, Chinese national flags and Pakistani national flags adorned the avenues of Islamabad, symbolizing the deep-rooted friendship and cooperation between the two nations.

pakistan china friendship pakistan china relation ship Pak-China Friendship Monument Diplomatic Relations between Pakistan and China Friendship Bridge: Pakistan-China Cooperation Solidarity and Cooperation Between Nations Cultural Exchange: Pakistan and China Bilateral Cooperation and Friendship
Building Bridges of Friendship: Pakistan and China

The sight of these flags fluttering side by side painted a vivid picture of the enduring partnership. China’s 74th Anniversary marks a significant milestone in its history, commemorating the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949.

Pakistan’s gesture of illuminating its National Monument in red is a heartwarming testament to the strong and enduring ties between the two nations.

Also read: Ceremony held to celebrate China’s 74th National Day

The event brought people together in celebration, fostering cultural exchanges and strengthening the bond between Pakistan and China. It exemplified the mutual respect, trust, and admiration that exist between the two nations.

As the National Monument gleamed in red, it served as a beacon of hope and unity, reflecting the shared values and aspirations of Pakistan and China.