Islamabad, 30 May 2023 (TDI): On the 75th International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we proudly honor and celebrate Pakistani peacekeepers’ exceptional dedication and selfless service who have continuously illustrated their devotion to sustaining peace and stability in various volatile regions worldwide.

Today, we pay tribute to their uncompromising spirit and the enormous strides they have made to foster global peace. Pakistani peacekeepers have exemplified honor and distinction in their relentless pursuit of peacekeeping missions.

Their professionalism, bravery, and unwavering commitment have earned them deep respect and admiration from both their colleagues and the communities they serve. Their efforts have significantly impacted conflict-affected areas and helped turn the world safer and more peaceful.

Pakistani peacekeepers have been at the forefront of some of the most challenging and dangerous peacekeeping operations. Their extraordinary courage and resilience have been exhibited in conflict zones such as Sudan, Congo, Mali, and many other countries.

In the face of adversity, they have consistently displayed exceptional levels of discipline, compassion, and respect for human rights while working towards building bridges between communities and fostering reconciliation.

One cannot underestimate the substantial sacrifices made by Pakistani peacekeepers. They have braved inhospitable terrains and harsh weather conditions, often putting their lives on the line to protect civilians and restore stability.

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Their contributions go beyond maintaining peace; they have also been actively involved in providing humanitarian assistance, supporting the rebuilding of communities, and promoting sustainable development in post-conflict areas.

The United Nations acknowledges and appreciates the Government of Pakistan and the Pakistan Armed Forces for their continued commitments to peacekeeping operations. Pakistan has consistently been one of the most significant contributors of troops and police personnel to UN peacekeeping missions.

The contributions of its brave men and women who voluntarily participate in UN peacekeeping missions reflect the nation’s deep devotion to peace and its responsibility as a responsible country.

We hope that the international community will take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of Pakistani peacekeepers and their sacrifices. Their work embodies the principles and standards of the United Nations and inspires all nations striving for peace and stability.

We, the people of Pakistan, express our heartfelt appreciation for their excellent service, which has benefited many lives and communities.