Helsinki, 4 October 2022 (TDI): The Honorary Consul General of Pakistan for Finland shared a congratulatory message for the new Finnish Ambassador to Pakistan.

The message read:

“Big congratulations to H.E. Hannu Ripatti, now officially the new Ambassador of Finland to Pakistan! This is really a major step after ten years since the closing of the Embassy in Islamabad so we would share our thanks and happiness with everyone involved with the process!
And yes, there are huge flow of Finland – Pakistan activities ready to roll in!”

The new Ambassador presented his credentials to the President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, in a ceremony at Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad on Monday.

Talking to the Ambassador of Finland, the President urged the need to improve interactions between the business communities as well as the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the two countries to fully reach the potential of bilateral trade volume.

He said that Pakistan would welcome Finnish expertise in the transport sector, including environmentally sustainable transport technologies.

Pakistan and Finland’s relations  

Pakistan and Finland formed diplomatic ties on January 12, 1951, and the relationship has mostly focused on economic cooperation and commerce over the years.

Now Pakistan provides several economic prospects for Finnish firms, particularly in cleantech (energy, water), education, mining, healthcare, agriculture, and food production.

Finland has also made major financial contributions to development cooperation and humanitarian relief in Pakistan in recent years, including large contributions to the World Bank’s Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the rehabilitation of Pakistan’s border area.  

There is no Pakistani Embassy in Finland, however, Finnish residents can seek consular assistance through the Pakistani Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Finnish Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, was closed in August 2012 owing to government budget constraints but reopened formally on 1 September 2022.

After a ten-year hiatus, Ambassador Hannu Ripatti will resume his duties at the Finnish Embassy in Pakistan.