Seoul, 2 July 2022 (TDI): Nabeel Munir, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Republic of Korea, attended the 18th Peacekeeping Operations Development Seminar organized by the Republic of Korea Peacekeeping Operations Center.

Alongside Nabeel Munir, Brig. Shabbir from Pakistan Army was also present at the conference.

Brig Shabbir was one of the panelists at the conference and stated that he is Proud of Pakistan‘s contributions and commitment to the united nation’s peacebuilding.

MOU on Bilateral Cooperation between Korean Peacekeeping Operations Center and Pakistan Center for International Peace and Stability

On May 25th, 2022, MOU on Bilateral Cooperation between Korean Peacekeeping Operations Center and Pakistan Center for International Peace and Stability was signed by Ambassador Nabeel Munir and Col. Kim Byung-Chun, Director, ROK PKO Center.

Pakistan Military Officers in the Republic of Korea also attended along with Brig. (Retd) Mirza Saleem of the Centre for International Peace & Stability (CIPS).

United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO)

United Nations Peacekeeping helps countries affected by conflict and also creates the conditions for lasting peace. Its composition is of civilians, police, and military personnel.

Moreover, in addition to maintaining peace and security, peacekeepers are also obliged to play their role in contributing with assisting in political processes like reforming judicial systems, training law enforcement and police forces, disarming and reintegrating former combatants, and also playing their part in the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs), and refugees.

As of 2017, the total number of troops serving in peacekeeping missions is around 7500.
On 30 September 1947, Pakistan joined the United Nations and has always played its part in UN Peacebuilding projects.

Pakistan has been serving United Nations peacebuilding since August 1960.

The Armed Forces of Pakistan are the third-largest contributor of troops when it comes to UN peacekeeping efforts.

Pakistan and Korea

Pakistan has always supported Korea on many occasions and considers Korea as its trusted ally.

In December 1948, Pakistan backed South Korea instead of North Korea in UN General Assembly.

Moreover, during the Korean War in 1950, Pakistan provided the South with different aid and other necessary reliefs.

Similarly, Korea has always contributed to the development of Pakistan and currently hosting around 3500 Pakistani students on different scholarships in multiple universities in Korea.
