Washington D.C., 24 November 2021 (TDI): Yesterday, the Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States of America (USA), Asad Majeed Khan had a digital interview with the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) World News Anchor, Yalda Hakim. The interview was arranged to understand Pakistan’s stance on the ongoing situation in Afghanistan.

It’s been three months since the Taliban have taken control over Afghanistan. News Anchor Yalda Hakim asked the Pakistani Ambassador Asad Khan on how Pakistan is helping its neighbour in the current situation.

The Ambassador thanked the channel for inviting him to speak on the Afghanistan situation. Asad Majeed briefed on the efforts Pakistan’s government is making to support Afghanistan and its people.

He explained that Pakistan is providing medical assistance to the Afghanis. Pakistan has allowed medically unfit Afghanis to cross its borders for treatment. The government of Pakistan is facilitating visas for the Afghan population.

Pakistan has provided humanitarian assistance worth 500 billion Pakistani Rupees and is sending in supplies to help the people in Afghanistan.

The Government of Pakistan is also helping international organizations such as the United Nations and its agencies. Pakistan is aiding these organizations to get into Afghanistan as well as helping them in distributing supplies to the Afghani people.

What happened in Afghanistan?

Since the start of the twenty-first century, the USA has had its forces in Afghanistan to fight the Afghan Taliban to bring peace to Afghanistan and the South Asian Region.

No peace agreement could be achieved and in the mid of the year 2021, in August, during the withdrawal of US forces, the Afghan Taliban started to take over Afghanistan.

In August, the Taliban took over and US forces withdrew entirely from the region. Since then, the Taliban have been in power and are ruling Afghanistan.