Islamabad, 26 January 2022 (TDI): UNDP Pakistan and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Pakistan together launched Pakistan SDG Investment Report 2021 and  SDG Investor Map. The launch event took place in the federal capital, Islamabad, on Wednesday.

The Report mentioned earlier is authored by UNDP Senior Advisor, Financing for Development. Former State Minister for Investment, Haroon Sharif also assisted the Senior Advisor in the task.

Salient Features of the SDG Investment Report 2021

Basically, the report is meant to showcase two main things. The first is the status of Pakistan when it comes to businesses. The second is the potential in the country for investments. The kind of investment can be regional, national, or international.

The report further underscores the policy priorities of Pakistan. The status of private sector development is also presented in the report. By doing so, the aim is to attract strategic partnerships, particularly with international investors.

Consequently welcoming impact investments. Further, the sectors have also been defined. To list, a few sectors are Climate Change and Climate Financing, ICTs, Healthcare, Education, Transportation, Logistics, etc.

At the core of this Investment Report, is the stress on the significance of the role of various sectors to work for increased SDG aligned investments. The sectors include both public and private ones. Increased Sustainable Development Goals-oriented investments will in turn boost economic growth.

The idea is to get the maximum benefit from the sustainable development which will take place as a consequence. It will further lead to the achievement of the sustainable development goals and fulfillment of Agenda 2030’s promise.

It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan previously incorporated the goals in the development agenda of 2016. But due to financial constraints, economic instability, and lack of institutional capacities, those were not achieved.

Sustainable Development Goal Investor Map presented

At the launch ceremony, SDG Investor Map was also presented.

The objectives of the said map are to give clarity to the investors regarding investments. Additionally, to provide them with insights and tools to help them achieve sustainable development goals.

During the ceremony, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi stated that economic and national security is as important as the foreign policy for the country. He welcomed innovative and out of box methods for achieving the aims.

Additionally, the Foreign Minister referred back to the recently launched National Security Policy, whose aim is also to achieve security in various sectors.
