Islamabad, 15 September 2022 (TDI): The Millennium Project’s global futures participatory think tank, AGAHI, has been working to advance future thought in Pakistan.

Along with the other 72 global Nodes, the Pakistan Node was established in 2014 and is led by Puruesh Chaudhary, the founder, and President of AGAHI.

The Node is made up of organizations and people who connect local and global perspectives, contribute to The Millennium Project studies, and create national research projects.

The remarkable futures-oriented awakening in Pakistan is illustrated by Chaudhary’s latest research work, which was published in the Journal of Futures Studies and received plaudits from the community of the global future.

AGAHI established the Foresight Lab with knowledge support from The Millennium Project; a platform that involves local academics, think tanks, and other professionals in developing futures-oriented research.

The intent was to encourage discourse that allows for an open, systematic, and participatory process that develops a deeper contextual understanding of the opportunities and risks to the country’s future.

In a study that was published in the Journal of Futures Studies, Puruesh Chaudhary describes how she and her colleagues created the Pakistan State of Future Index’s initial edition in 2017 before releasing an updated version in 2019.

The Pakistan State of Future Index, a 10-year future index made up of more than 30 variables, shows whether or not the future is improving or deteriorating. The Report on Pakistan State of Future Index’s third edition will be released the following year, in 2023.

On the occasion, Puruesh Chaudhary Founder and President AGAHI and Foresight Lab stated that “On the United Nations International Day of Democracy, the decision-makers in the country must take a stock of the foresight capabilities that are required at a time when 33 million Pakistanis are affected by the heavy monsoon rains that have triggered floods and landslides, a scenario as devasting as the one the country finds itself in, it is critical to enhancing the capacity of understanding future shocks.”

“In one of the latest reports issued by The Millennium Project explains the degree of criticality of the five UN foresight elements is central to enhancing local capabilities”, Chaudhary further added.

According to a Realtime Delphi survey carried out in May and June of this year, the five foresight components of “Our Common Agenda” are endorsed and supported by the global foresight community as a whole.

The UN Summit on the Future, the UN Futures Lab, the UN Envoy for Future Generations, the periodic UN Strategic Foresight and Global Threats reports, and the repurposed UN Trusteeship Council as Multi-Stakeholder Foresight Body are the five components of the UN’s foresight efforts.

Jerome Clayton Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project claims, “if the five foresight aspects in ‘Our Common Agenda’ are implemented in accordance with the findings of our study, it could represent the greatest advancement in futures research and foresight in history.”

The Journal of Futures Studies, a trans-disciplinary, globally focused refereed journal, has praised AGAHI’s work. Its goal is to provide top-notch, futures-focused research and thought using the expanding body of knowledge in future studies and foresight.


As a top inventor of information and knowledge exchange platforms and for its communication tactics, AGAHI is a recognized organization, a non-profit company founded in 2011 in accordance with the Society Registration Act of 1860.

Its main job is to design non-commercial communication strategies, content intelligence frameworks, development materials, and tech tools with a focus on research, and training programmes for various organizations and industries.

AGAHI advises and supports people and organizations in pursuing and supporting efforts to advance Pakistan’s level of development.

It utilizes information-sharing systems that facilitate the development of frameworks for understanding challenges from a global viewpoint.