Islamabad, 6 November 2021 (TDI): In an interview, the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Ambassador Nong Rong, said that Pakistan and China have unique and close bilateral ties. The friendship between the two is higher than mountains deeper than oceans and sweeter than honey.

China and Pakistan are Iron Brothers

The two iron brothers have a 70 years history of friendship. The exchanges and cooperation have brought the people of the two countries, closer. The economic and trade relationship has consolidated this relationship.

Deep Friendship

On global political changes, the Ambassador commented that the deep friendship formed by the two people in China-Pakistan’s long-term interaction has cemented the trust between the two countries. It stems from the wisdom and vision of the success of leaders of both countries.

“Pakistan Feels Like Home”

Ambassador Nong Rong stated that when he came to Pakistan, he felt at home. The climate here is the same as in his hometown in China. Moreover, the Pakistanis have treated him affectionately and wholeheartedly; like family members.

Strategic Changes and Latest Developments in International Relations

On strategic changes and the latest developments in international relations, he said that China and Pakistan have become closer and mutual support has grown stronger.

He said that the international situation has recently undergone certain changes. So, if Sino-Pak relations see any change, it can only be that they have become closer.

Close Coordination on Kashmir

China and Pakistan maintain close communication and coordination on Kashmir and other issues. He said that both countries unswervingly support each other to safeguard their core interests. That feature in the ties between the two has never changed.

US’ Aggressive Campaign to Isolate China

On US’ aggressive campaign to isolate China, he said that China is ready to coexist peacefully with all countries in the world and cooperate in a mutually beneficial manner. However, if some countries treat China in an unfriendly manner, China will respond in a befitting way.

Participation in BRI

Ambassador Nong Rong said that China welcomes any other country supporting Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), to participate in the projects for development.

China has achieved mutually beneficial results with Pakistan and other countries, in pursuit of BRI. It is an unquestionable fact.


About CPEC, the Ambassador expressed that China is open to CPEC’s expansion. It will welcome third parties that support BRI and have a positive attitude towards BRI and CPEC.