Islamabad, 29 November 2022 (TDI): Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif extended his unwavering support to the Palestinians on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Prime Minister on the behalf of Government and People of Pakistan shared a message to reiterate Pakistan’s support and empathy towards the Palestinian cause on the occasion of International Solidarity Day with Palestinians.

Moreover, he stated that this day highlights the extreme suffering Palestinians have endured under the illegal occupation of Israel.

Furthermore, he underlined the Israeli occupation as persecution and oppressive action. Israel’s oppressive actions against the people of Palestine find no parallel in contemporary history and are emboldened by impunity, Prime Minister noted.

Also Read: Pakistan urges to address Palestine issue at UNSC

He emphasized the importance of the resolution of the Palestine issue and said that this is not just a moral question but this issue also has implications for global peace. Shahbaz Sharif urged to resolve the Palestine issue by a two-state solution as per the UN resolution.

Parliament of Pakistan

On the day of Solidarity, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan reaffirmed Pakistan’s support to Palestinian brothers and sisters.

In a solidarity message, the Parliament of Pakistan admired the sacrifices of Palestinians for self-determination, national independence, sovereignty, and an inalienable fight for freedom.

The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan restated Pakistan’s commitment to stand side-by-side for the demand for a two-state solution as per the UN resolution.

International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian people

In 1977, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution to observe 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People & requested the General Secretary to establish a Special Unit within the secretariat on Palestinian Rights.

Pakistan last year announced 21 May as the observance Day for Solidarity with the people of Palestine. The decision came during the last year’s Israeli aggression and airstrikes on Gaza Strip.


Student of BS Peace and Conflict Studies at NUML, Islamabad