Amsterdam, 9 May 2023 (TDI): Netherlands Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Liesje Schreinemacher, had an inspiring meeting with Sima Bahous, the Executive Director of UN Women on May 8, 2023.

The meeting focused on the fight for women’s rights and how to ensure every woman and girl can achieve their full potential. The Netherlands stands proud with UN Women in this fight.

During the meeting, Schreinemacher and Bahous discussed various issues related to women’s rights, including the gender pay gap, gender-based violence, and women’s political participation.

Schreinemacher emphasized the importance of promoting women’s economic empowerment, a critical factor in achieving gender equality.

Moreover, she stressed the need to tackle gender-based violence, a pervasive problem affecting women and girls worldwide.

Bahous agreed with Schreinemacher, stating that UN Women is working to address these issues through various programs and initiatives.

She emphasized the need to promote women’s leadership and political participation, as women’s voices are often excluded from decision-making.

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Bahous also spoke about the importance of engaging men and boys in the fight for gender equality, as they have a critical role in promoting gender equality.

They noted that the pandemic has disproportionately affected women, as they are more likely to work in sectors heavily impacted by the pandemic, such as healthcare and retail.

They also discussed the increase in gender-based violence during the pandemic and the need to provide support and services to women and girls who have experienced violence.

The meeting was an inspiring and productive discussion on the fight for women’s rights.

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Schreinemacher and Bahous emphasized the need to work together to ensure every woman and girl can achieve their full potential.

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The Netherlands stands proud with UN Women in this fight and will continue to support their efforts to promote gender equality and empower women and girls worldwide.

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The Netherlands and UN Women meetings highlighted the importance of collaboration and partnership in fighting for gender equality.

Both parties are committed to working together to create a world where women and girls can achieve their full potential, free from discrimination and violence.