Mexico City, 29 July 2022 (TDI): Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Martha Delgado, received Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Marcin Przydacz, on 29 July.

Agenda of the Meeting

During the meeting, they addressed relevant issues such as collaboration in multilateral organizations. Both sides agreed on the strengthening of corporate and trade relations.

They discussed the multilateral foreign policy priorities of the two countries. According to the official Twitter account of the Poland Embassy, both countries are willing to intensify bilateral economic cooperation.

Martha Delgado mentioned the importance of Mexico for its economic potential in the Americas. She added that Mexico is a gateway to generating business opportunities in Latin America.

Moreover, they also highlighted the consequences of the Russian war on Ukraine, rising inflation, and energy prices. 

The Deputy Foreign Minister, Marcin Przydacz, noted the need to build solidarity in democratic states and act to protect international law.

In addition, Cristopher Ballinas, Iker Jiménez, Rodolfo Osorio, Monia Velarde and Eduardo Jaramillo also participated in the meeting.

Mexico-Poland relations

Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1928. In 1930, Mexico and Poland signed a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation.

According to this, Mexico soon opened its first diplomatic legation in Warsaw. Mexico has an embassy in Warsaw, and Poland has an embassy in Mexico City.

Both countries share similar values and positions on many issues, such as strengthening democracy and respecting international law.

This convergence of states facilitates cooperation in international fora such as the UN and the WTO. Mexico was one of the first Latin American countries to support Poland’s candidacy as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. 

Visits by heads of state and government are significant in the history of bilateral relations. In 2017, both nations commemorated the opening of a Polish Investment and Trade Agency office. Both nations celebrated the 90th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2018.

Mexico is Poland’s third most significant Latin American supplier and the region’s most important Polish export market.


MA in International Relations at Sichuan University