Mexico City, 4 December 2021 (TDI): On the 2 of December, Mexico hosted the XXVI reunion of Vice Ministers Regional conference on migration. The counties that participated were Belize, Costa Rica, Canada,  the United States, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic.

The Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior of Mexico Alejandro Encinas received the Vice-ministers of the participant countries.  Representing Mexico, Encinas led the conference as the Pro- President of the Regional Conference on Migration.

At the conference, it was sorted out that the regional migration issue resolution must take a proactive and innovative direction. For instance, they create the slogan to concretize the ideas  “For a regional framework of migration governance and human rights, for migration with inclusion”.

In addition to that, the conference recognized that migration management is an action that sovereign states respond to. The states should respond in regards to their needs and possibilities so that the discussion ensures the protection of the sovereignty of the countries when it comes to migration issues.

The government of Mexico endorses the commitment to follow up and promote working on equal opportunities, full exercise of rights. That commitment also includes inclusion, the empowerment of all migrants, especially to groups that are the most vulnerable.

Finally, this XXVI Vice ministerial meeting of the RCM marks the conclusion of the pro-Tempore presidency of Mexico. This means that Mexico finished its term and the presidency will go to another member of the organization.

The regional conference on migration started in February 1996. It is a multilateral mechanism for cooperation relating to migration topics between the members’ states. It has in total 11 members states who are, Belize, Costa Rica, Canada, the US, Honduras, El Salvador, and Panama. Among the members are Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.

RCM has two principal beliefs, firstly, it creates a forum for an honest discussion on regional migrations issues. Then the forum leads to greater regional coordination and cooperation. Secondly, it undertakes regional efforts to protect the human rights of migrants.

It also strengthens the integrity, security, links, and development of each member state. Finally, the RCM is an entity that works in North and Central America. It has an executive secretariat, observer countries, observer organization, and civil society.

Regional Conference