Dr. Sahibzada Muhammad Usman
In the information era, when audiences are overwhelmed by various content, media manipulation has developed and enriched with powerful tools to shape public opinion and modify political landscapes. This approach’s most impactful example is its effectiveness against anti-CPEC campaigns.
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a vital part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), aims to foster economic growth through infrastructural development linking Gwadar Port in Pakistan to China’s Xinjiang province. However, the project’s execution has been subject to controversy, with concerns regarding the potential dissemination of inaccurate information.
Anti-CPEC narratives typically revolve around several core themes: disputes over autonomy, ecological disturbances, debt-trap diplomacy, and the disadvantaging of local populations. They turn real issues into genuine problems; nonetheless, the bending reflects not in the manufacture of the problems but in their exacerbation and distortion.
Media manipulation encompasses the strategic distortion of factual information through techniques such as selective omission, the construction of biased headlines, and a variety of other mechanisms. These methods exploit well-documented cognitive biases within the audience, enabling media creators to exert a significant degree of influence over the formation of public opinion. Through this strategy, criticism of the project was heavily biased and pessimistic, often overshadowing the vast positive impact that the project would bring to the country.
Opposition to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) stems from diverse geopolitical and economic concerns among various domestic and international actors. These concerns are amplified through strategic media messaging across traditional and social media platforms.
Foreign governments could be influencing media outlets, including those in Pakistan that are less visible, leading to the publication of anti-CPEC content. Similarly, political groups within Pakistan might downplay the beneficial aspects of the project and could even manipulate situations to undermine the ruling party or gain more political advantage. Additionally, the anonymity of accounts and bots on social media, combined with the rapid spread of negative stories about CPEC, contribute to the formation of a media echo chamber, ultimately shaping differing perceptions.
Media outlets narrow the perspective of the media by selectively reporting specific cases, particularly those concerning the environment or labor unrest while ignoring the potential benefits and efforts that cooperation might bring about. Fake news and fabricated stories regarding CPEC, sometimes supported by distorted facts, proliferate online even before their veracity has been established.
One strategy involves disregarding exaggerated claims, such as Pakistan’s alleged debts to China or the environmental damage caused by construction sites. Media houses employ sensationalist reporting and emotionally charged language to provoke sentiment, whether fear or anger, against the CPEC. Exploration of such scenarios may overlook the process of payment or recompense in cases of relocation.
Achieving this task is multifaceted, considering media manipulation in anti-CPEC campaigns. A sustained effort involving civil society, government, and media organizations is required to foster an atmosphere of proper reporting and critical thinking. This can be accomplished through the development of educational campaigns aimed at training individuals to critically assess sources and recognize manipulation strategies, thereby minimizing the impact of narrative alteration.
Although media democratization has had tremendous effects, the main problem lies in the spread of false and misleading information through social media platforms. Misinformed citizens may delude themselves by subscribing to one-sided narratives, which, in turn, affects their decision-making. Additionally, the proliferation of fake news platforms has blurred the distinction between reliable and unreliable sources, as anyone can freely propagate any assertion.
By disclosing the key terms of the CPEC projects, including their processes, visibly, the government and engaged companies can generate concern and prevent the enemy from speculating and disseminating disinformation. Since communities along the routes of the CPEC projects are directly affected, involving them through consultation and participation during project development is one way of mitigating some of their grievances. As a result, this approach may reduce the space that anti-CPEC narratives exploit.
Media malice in the face of CPEC campaigns brings to light the power of information in shaping geopolitical discourses. Addressing genuine concerns about CPEC is crucial for Pakistan’s democracy. However, distortion and wrongful interference, which disregard the interests of both the state and the region, are harmful activities.
It is essential not only to combat false news carefully but also to commit to dialogue and an open society in countering it. As CPEC develops, navigating intersecting interests and crafting a narrative about the development corridor becomes increasingly complex. It’s important to ensure that the conveyance of knowledge doesn’t become a battleground for information warfare.
*The author is affiliated with the University of Pisa, Italy. He holds a PhD in geopolitics and is the author of Different Approaches on Central Asia: Economic, Security, and Energy.
**The opinions in this article are the author’s own and may not represent the views of The Diplomatic Insight. The organization does not endorse or assume responsibility for the content.
The Diplomatic Insight is a digital and print magazine focusing on diplomacy, defense, and development publishing since 2009.