Freetown, 5 January 2022 (TDI): The Republic of Mali is ready for constitutional democracy. High-level delegates from Mali were on a one-day courtesy call to Julius Maada Bio, Sierra Leone’s President. They revealed that Mali is ready for constitutional democracy. In addition, they discussed peace and constitutional rule in Mali.

About Mali

The Republic of Mali is a landlocked West African country in the Saharan and Sahel region. Gained independence on September 22, 1960, Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa with an area of over 1,240,000km2.

According to World Bank 2020 estimated population, Mali has a population of over 20.25 million. Mali is located southwest of Algeria and French is the Malian official language.

Republic of Mali

Constitutional Rule in Mali

The Republic of Mali’s constitution is in adherence to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. It also states that Mali adheres to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Malian national conference of August 1991 produced the Constitution and approved it through a referendum on 12 January 1992. However, on May 24, 2021, Mali experienced a coup d’état.

As a result, Mali’s constitutional rule was suspended and an interim administration came to power. However, a high-level delegation from Mali has concluded a one-day working visit to Sierra Leon. They engaged President Dr. Julius Maada Bio on the return of Mali to a constitutional democracy.

Readiness for Constitutional Democracy

Abdoulaye Diop, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation led the high-level delegation from Mali to Sierra Leon. Accordingly, Colonel Assimi Goïta, the interim President of Mali conveyed his greetings to his Sierra Leonean counterpart.

Colonel Assimi Goïta addressed President Bio as colleague and brother through Abdoulaye Diop. Also, the team of delegates shared the experience of Mali’s government and their commitment to return Mali to constitutional rule.

Mali ready for constitutional democracy
Mali ready for constitutional democracy
Purpose of the Visit

The interim President of Mali, Colonel Assimi Goïta directed the visit of Abdoulaye Diop’s team of delegation to President Bio. During the visit, they sought the guidance and expertise of Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio.

President Bio is an advocate of peace, security, and stability in the subregion. Additionally, the second purpose was to assure the leadership of ECOWAS about Colonel Assimi Goïta’s willingness to return Mali to constitutional order.

Also, the third purpose was to explore the experience and expertise of President Bio. Bio was successful in returning Sierra Leone to constitutional rule. Therefore, the Mali delegation wanted to tap into the role and transfer of power from a military to a democratic civilian rule led by President Bio.

In May 2021, soon after the coup d’état President Bio called for stakeholders’ consultations and communications on the political situation in Mali. He made the call at the ECOWAS Extraordinary Session in Accra, Ghana.

Therefore, the high-level delegates from Mali on the one-day courtesy call to Julius Maada Bio was a demonstration that Mali is ready for constitutional democracy.