New York City, 17 July 2023 (TDI): Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn, made a case for reforming the Rome Statute during the RS25 event focused on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the issue of the crime of aggression.

He stressed the importance of harmonizing the ICC’s jurisdiction and offered unwavering support for the establishment of a Special International Tribunal to address the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

The RS25 event commemorates the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute, which established the ICC as the world’s first permanent international criminal court responsible for prosecuting serious international crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.

Moreover, the discussion centered on the need for improvements to the Rome Statute to enhance the Court’s effectiveness in tackling emerging challenges to international justice.

Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn emphasized the urgency of addressing the issue of aggression, which remains a complex and evolving aspect of international law.

The current ambiguity surrounding the definition and prosecution of the crime of aggression necessitates comprehensive reform.

Harmonizing the ICC’s jurisdiction would ensure a more cohesive and consistent approach to addressing aggression on the global stage.

Luxembourg stands at the forefront of advocating for the creation of a Special International Tribunal to specifically address the crime of aggression committed against Ukraine.

Furthermore, this tribunal would be instrumental in ensuring accountability for those responsible for acts of aggression and send a strong message that such offenses will not be tolerated by the international community.

Besides, the crime of aggression has far-reaching consequences, causing immense human suffering and undermining global peace and stability.

Also Read: Luxembourg submits observation to ICJ in Russia-Ukraine case

By supporting the establishment of a dedicated tribunal, Luxembourg aims to strengthen the framework for holding aggressors accountable and providing justice to victims.

Foreign Minister Asselborn’s call for reforming the Rome Statute and establishing a Special International Tribunal aligns with the broader international efforts to strengthen the rule of law and ensure that those who commit grave offenses are brought to justice.

Luxembourg’s commitment to this cause demonstrates the country’s dedication to upholding international humanitarian law and promoting peace in the face of aggression.

The nations of the world are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Rome Statute, and are pledging their support for international justice.

The need to reform the Rome Statute and address the crime of aggression against Ukraine remains at the forefront of these discussions.