Beirut, 18 February 2022 (TDI): National Basketball team of Lebanon wins the Arab championship in Dubai. Lebanon rejoiced with the winning of its national basketball team in the Arab Championship on Wednesday 17 of February.
The final face off that crowend Lebanon as the champion was with Tunisia where it won 72 points to 69. This is the first time in the history of Lebanon as its team wins an Arab cup in Basketball.
Additionally, the team’s coach Jad El Hajj is the youngest to ever coach the team. El-Hajj is only 33 years old, which is also another record for Lebanon.
Moreover, Lebanese President Michel Aoun Congratulated the team for its efforts and historic victory through his official Twitter account.
مبروك لأبطال لبنان في كرة السلة إحرازهم بطولة العرب للمنتخبات في البطولة التي أجريت في دبي
— General Michel Aoun (@General_Aoun) February 16, 2022
In addition , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Lebanese Emigrants also congratulated the Lebanese national basketball team on the acquisition of this cup for the first time in its history.
١)تهنئ وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين اللبنانيين بالفوز الكبير للمنتخب اللبناني لكرة السلة بالبطولة العربية التي جرت اليوم في دبي، وحصوله على هذه الكأس للمرة الأولى في تاريخه.
وقال وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عبد الله بو حبيب إن هذا الفوز المستحق يثلج صدور المغتربين اللبنانيين،— Mofa Lebanon (@Mofalebanon) February 16, 2022
Likewise, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Abdullah Bou Habib, said that this deserved victory has warmed the hearts of the Lebanese expatriates.
2022 Arab Basketball Championship for Men National Teams
2022 Arab Basketball Championship for Men National Teams is the 24th edition of the Arab Basketball Championship. It is a men’s basketball regional championship of the Arab world.
The tournamnet eneded with Lebanon’s victory. UAE hosted the tournament for the first time featuring 16 teams.It was held from 8 to 16 February in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Masters of Arts in Political Science and Diplomacy Candidate. BA in Translation and Interpreting.