Bishkek, 6 September 2022 (TDI): The Kyrgyz Foreign Minister, Jeenbek Kulubaev received copies of credentials from the appointed Head of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, Ambassador Marilyn Josefson, on 5 September.
🇰🇬🇪🇺 5 сентября Министр иностранных дел КР Жээнбек Кулубаев принял копии верительных грамот от назначенной Главы Представительства ЕС в КР, Посла Мэрилин Йозефсон.
🔗тышкысаясат #тышкыиштерминистри #дипломатия #ЖээнбекКулубаев #МИДКР #КыргызстанЕС— MFA Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 (@MFA_Kyrgyzstan) September 5, 2022
The current state and prospects for the development of the Kyrgyz-European cooperation, including plans to organize visits at the highest and high levels and regional events were discussed in the meeting.
The issues of promoting trade and economic cooperation, including the possibilities of the Generalized Scheme of Preferences+ were also touched on during the meeting.
Moreover, the implementation of projects and programs within the framework of the Multi-Year Indicative Program in the field of public administration, education, digital transformation, development of the green economy & environmental protection were discussed by the parties.
The European diplomat, Marilyn Josefson was congratulated by the Kyrgyz Foreign Minister on her appointment and wished her success in her activities for the benefit of further development of relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the European Union (EU).
The Ambassador, in return, thanked the Kyrgyz Foreign Minister for the warm welcome and also noted the EU’s intention to expand and strengthen the partnership between the Kyrgyz Republic and the EU and assured that she would make the necessary efforts for this.
Bilateral relations between EU and Kyrgyzstan
The political relations between European Union and Kyrgyzstan were established in the 1999 Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA).
The EU and the Kyrgyz Republic negotiated the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) , which was initiated in July 2019.
The economic relations between the EU and the Kyrgyz Republic were on the rise until COVID-19. The total trade between the EU and Kyrgyzstan was about EUR 310 million in 2020 showing a notable decrease caused by the pandemic.
The Republic of Kyrgyzstan also benefits from the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences plus (GSP+) which is a special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance.
Student of BS-International Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University