Islamabad, 23 March 2023 (TDI): The Embassy of Kazakhstan proudly extended its warmest greetings to Pakistan’s fraternal people on Republic Day.

Kazakhstan is a steadfast ally and friend of Pakistan. The bilateral relations between these states are deeply rooted in shared cultural, historical, and economic ties.

Both countries enjoy solid diplomatic relations anchored on mutual respect, cooperation, and collaboration. These ties have grown more substantial and resilient, with both countries striving towards common aims and objectives.

Kazakhstan and Pakistan have collaborated closely to expand their relationship in several areas, including trade, investment, energy, education, and tourism.

One of the critical areas of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Pakistan has been in the energy field. Both countries have a vast abundance of natural resources.

They have effectively partnered in developing hydrocarbons, renewable energy, and other forms of energy infrastructure.

Also Read: Ambassador of Kazakhstan attends 50th Anniversary of Senate of Pakistan

Kazakhstan has also been a crucial associate for Pakistan in addressing the country’s growing energy needs, mainly by importing liquefied natural gas (LNG).

In addition to energy, Kazakhstan and Pakistan have also sought to deepen their cooperation in trade and investment.

Bilateral commerce has developed steadily over the past years, with both countries dedicated to exploring new avenues for enhanced economic cooperation.

Kazakhstan has also actively supported Pakistan’s efforts to attract foreign investment, particularly in infrastructure, agriculture, and tourism.

Pakistan and Kazakhstan have also long been devoted to fostering educational exchange and collaboration. They’re offering scholarships and exchange programs to each other’s students.

The intercultural exchange has assisted in fostering greater cultural understanding and people-to-people links between the two countries, strengthening and reviving their bilateral relationship.

Kazakhstan’s Ambassador, Yerzhan Kistafin, declared that the country plans to launch direct flights between Pakistan and Kazakhstan.

The Ambassador also noted that direct flights between Almaty and Lahore would begin in April and Almaty and Karachi in May this year to strengthen business-to-business and people-to-people interactions.