Dhaka, 26 July 2022 (TDI): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh and the International Organization for Migration conducted a Policy Dialogue on Monday.

“Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change: Towards a Common Narrative and Action Pathway” was the focus of the dialogue.

The event was conducted to prepare the agenda for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Climate Change Conference (COP27).

The event aimed to bring together all relevant parties to identify potential avenues for Bangladesh to advance the global agenda on climate change and migration. 

The Dialogue provided a venue for the diverse viewpoints of the government, civil society, private sector, international community, and media.

Remarks by Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister Abdul Momen stated that the world community could not afford to ignore the issue of climate migration. 

Next, he underscored the hurdles government faces in fostering a suitable living environment for the internally displaced while maintaining its socio-economic development. 

Momen stated that Bangladesh has been persistent in diplomatic efforts. The international community is becoming more receptive to the problem of establishing extra financial mechanisms for climate-related losses. 

Remarks by Foreign Secretary 

Foreign Secretary, Masud Bin Momen, introduced the Policy Dialogue. In particular, he highlighted Bangladesh’s efforts to promote the problem of climate-induced migration internationally. 

Vulnerable countries like Bangladesh need adequate finance and technology to respond to climate change-related challenges, Masud emphasized.

He underscored that there is an urgent need for governments to incorporate climate migration into national development plans and policies.

Consequently, this would be beneficial to accomplishing the Paris Agreement’s aim of limiting future temperature increases to less than 2°C. 

Efforts by Bangladesh

Bangladesh has begun integrating climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) into its development planning frameworks.

Furthermore, Bangladesh has also adopted a “National Strategy on Internal Displacement Management, in which human mobility has been a focus. 

Other initiatives include The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (2009) and the Eighth Five-Year Plan 2021-2025.

Likewise, the government also initiated the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan Decade 2030. They all contain references to climate migration.

Also Read: Government of Bangladesh launches Migration Compact Taskforce

Remarks by IOM Representatives

During the dialogue, Caroline Dumas, Special Envoy for Migration and Climate Action, IOM, delivered a keynote address. ‘Global and Regional Consultative Processes and Policy Frameworks’ was the focus of the address. 

IOM’s Deputy Director General for Operations, Ugochi Daniels, emphasized that “As the UN Migration Agency specializing in providing migration policy and operational knowledge support, IOM works as a convening agency for climate migration, as reflected in our Institutional Strategy on Migration, Environment and Climate Change 2021–2030.

IOM is strongly committed to developing solutions for people impacted by climate change, including people on the move, people seeking to move, and those seeking to stay.”

IOM Bangladesh’s Chief of Mission, Abdusattor Esoev, reaffirmed IOM’s commitment to continue working with the Government of Bangladesh.