Kingston, 24 October 2022 (TDI): United Nations (UN) Day is celebrated in Jamaica as it commemorates 60 years of the country’s membership.

This day also marks the 77th anniversary of the United Nations. The day is celebrated every year on 24th October, recognizing the adoption of the UN Charter in 1945.

“United Nations Jamaica Partnership Week 2022” will be observed to mark the celebrations from 24-27 October.

In this regard, the United Nations in Jamaica will commemorate UN77 under the sub-theme: “Partnerships for Peace, Planet, and Prosperity- A Sprint for the Goals.”

For this, the United Nations Jamaica Country team engaged national stakeholders in dialogue. The purpose of the dialogue was to accelerate progress and “sprint for the goals”.

At the beginning of the dialogue, a flag-raising ceremony was conducted. In addition to this, Annual Partnership Forum was also launched.

Jamaica’s voluntary national report was also reviewed which highlights the status and progress of the nation’s implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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The objectives of UN-Jamaica Partnership week include enhancing the partnership and engagement between the private sector, civil society, government, and international organizations for the achievement of Vision 2030 Jamaica.

Moreover, building partnerships to expedite the Sustainable Development Goals. Jamaica reaffirms its commitment to rejuvenating multilateral partnerships to achieve the goals under SGDs.

Vision 2030 Jamaica

The country became a member of the United Nations in 1962, as the first foreign policy initiative taken on achieving independence. The state adopted the 2030 agenda of SDGs in 2015, as part of the United Nations (UN).

The SDGs have been integrated into Vision 2030 Jamaica. As it is a strategic development plan for the country. The plan is set for achieving inclusive and sustainable development for the people and the country.

The engagement of national stakeholders and international partners in this regard is highlighted. The statement encapsulates the vision, “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”.