Kingston, 11 November 2022 (TDI): Foreign Minister of Jamaica, Kamina J. Smith met with Canadian Parliamentary Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Maninder Sidhu.

Both officials discussed the 60 years of friendship between Canada and Jamaica. The progress between both states has been highlighted during the meeting.

They also discussed their mutual concerns over the Haiti and Ukraine crisis. Moreover, the people-to-people contact through tourism between both states was also part of the agenda.

The Parliamentary Secretary Sidhu also met with the local organizations and civil society representatives who are funded and supported by Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

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This fund has been working in Jamacia for over 30 years to sponsor projects related to women farmers, women entrepreneurs, and survivors of gender-based violence.

The Canadian official also sat with the business leaders to discuss the prosperous partnership in the fields of economy and trade between both countries.

During the visit, close partnerships and areas of mutual cooperation have been underlined between the countries in order to evolve their bilateral relation further.

Parliamentary Secretary’s visit to Jamaica

Maninder Sidhu is Canada’s Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs. He was on an official visit to Jamaica from 9 November-11 November, as announced by the Foreign Minister of Canada, Melanie Joly.

Over his official visit to Jamaica, Secretary Sidhu said, “Canada is proud of its deep friendship with Jamaica. We enjoy a rich and diverse bilateral partnership, founded on our vibrant people-to-people ties, democratic values, and our shared commitment to the rules-based international order.

I look forward to meeting with key interlocutors to discuss how we can advance our bilateral and regional priorities”.

In addition, Secretary Sidhu engaged with the government officials of Jamaica including, Foreign Minister of Jamaica Kamina J. Smith, State Minister Zavia Mayne and Permanent Secretary of National Security Courtney Williams, State Minister Leslie Campbell, civil society representatives, and business leaders.