Rome, 10 February 2022 (TDI): Italy strongly condemns the launch of ballistic missiles flying over Japan which the Democratic Republic of Korea has fired on 7 February.
Pyongyang’s magnitude of testing is alarming and could be a source of hampering the development policies related to technological resources in the region and beyond as well, as it will have far-reaching implications. Likewise, they could undoubtedly be a major source of rather alarming destabilization of the regional prowess.
L’Italia condanna fermamente i ripetuti test missilistici della Corea del Nord, e la esorta ad astenersi da ulteriori provocazioni che minano la pace e la sicurezza a livello regionale e internazionale.
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— Farnesina 🇮🇹 (@ItalyMFA) February 8, 2022
These actions rather highlight the violations of the multiple resolutions issued by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) which could create unrest in the peace and security of the region and can create a serious threat to the existing non-proliferation regimen.
Besides causing destabilization and uncertainty in the region such repeated actions can hamper the development of the related technologies of development that are truly beneficial for the region.
Previously, North Korea had been in a self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and long-term missiles testing. These nuclear explosive devices have been tested six times ever since 2006. Several missiles have been tested including the two firing ballistic on Jan 14 violating the 2017 UN resolution.
As per the precedence to quote the country’s ruler, it has launched six ballistic missiles in four weapons tests since January 5 which is equivalent to as many missiles as it could take place in the entire last year.
It is assumed as if North Korea is sending a clear and concrete message to the Biden administration how ignored North Korea is to deal with their ailing economy and want them to readdress and cognize with the regional financial conditions.