Kabul, 28 August 2023 (TDI): The Acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), Maulvi Amir Khan Muttaqi met with the 7-member delegation of the Assembly of Representatives of Iran on August 27 in Kabul to discuss security, trade, drugs and border issues.

The Iranian delegation was led by the Iranian politician, Javad Karimi Ghodousi.

Both sides held in-depth discussions on matters of security, the fight against drugs, prevention of smuggling, border protection and trade.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs highlighted before the delegation that with the arrival of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, complete security has been established in the country.

He added that the Afghan security forces have been able to eradicate the Daesh insurgency which he deemed beneficial for the Central Asian region and the countries of the world.

While delineating drug cultivation and its usage, the Foreign Minister of IEA explained that the government has taken effective measures to fight against drugs.

He added that as a result, the cultivation of poppy has dropped to almost zero.

The Foreign Minister of IEA continued to explicate that during the previous Emirate era, the number of drug addicts was numbered in the thousands only, but with the 20-year occupation, the number reached 4 million people.

He added that the IEA has treated tens of thousands of drug addicts and will continue to do so.

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On the matter of trade, the Foreign Minister highlighted before the delegation that trade and transit are in progress with countries of the region and the neighbouring countries as well.

He notified that Afghanistan is currently becoming a centre of connection between the countries.

Besides that, he emphasized that Afghanistan is a promising market for Iran’s industrial goods; therefore,  it is necessary for the two countries to create more facilities in terms of trade and transit, also to take full advantage of this opportunity.

In reply to all the foregoing information provided by the Foreign Minister of IEA, the members of Iran’s House of Representatives expressed that both sides should work together and find a solution for preventing smuggling.

Apart from that they added to work together for managing border problems and preventing the movement of unauthorized people across the border.

In addition to that, the delegation set forth that Iran is ready to share its experience with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on various occasions.

Iranian delegation meets Afghan Foreign Minister