Geneva, 12 December 2022 (TDI): The world marks International Universal Health Coverage Day on 12th December every year. The day to promotes the importance of building robust, resilient, world-class healthcare systems globally.

The day also highlights the inequalities among the main components of the healthcare system risking the advancement of social and economic growth worldwide. Additionally, the day marks “Health for All”.

The purpose of the Day is to raise awareness of the value of comprehensive, accessible healthcare for all by leaders and stakeholders to move toward Universal Health Care (UHC) by 2030.

Moreover, it examines successes and pinpoints areas that require development to move toward a more equitable and healthy society without experiencing severe financial hardship.

History of the day

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution calling on nations to make UHC a top priority for global development. By resolution 72/138, the UN declared International Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC Day) on December 12, 2017.

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International Universal Health Coverage Day 2022

2022’s theme is “Build the world we want: A healthy future for all.” It highlights the need for equity, trust, healthy environments, investments, and responsibility in order to create strong health systems.

The Universal Health Coverage Day celebration this year kicks off the UN General Assembly’s high-level meeting on UHC in 2023 and the WHO’s 75th anniversary of making health for all a reality.

With universal health coverage, everyone will have access to high-quality medical care without worrying about their financial situation.

From health promotion to palliative care and prevention, it encompasses high-quality healthcare services, treatments, and rehabilitation.

Understanding the root causes of illnesses and fatalities is essential. So UHC guarantees the caliber of services required to improve the health of those who utilize them.

Additionally, it emphasizes children’s health so that they can study and adults can work to escape poverty, which is the cornerstone of long-term economic growth.

International Universal Health Coverage Day
