Jakarta, 20 December 2022 (TDI): Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, addressed the Regional Conversation on Human Rights (RCHR) today.

While addressing, she drew attention to human rights protection. She raised three points in an effort to fulfill human rights.

Human Rights Institutions

The first point that Marsudi highlighted was about strengthening human rights institutions to protect human rights.

She said that “Our national human rights institution must ensure the effective implementation of international human rights standards at home. Also, the institutions should nurture the community based on the respect for human rights”.

Also Read: EU, ASEAN hold policy dialogue on Human Rights

She underlined that Indonesia is strengthening the role of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. This will help to counter regional human rights challenges.

Addressing Urgent Human Rights Issues

Second of all, the Indonesian Foreign Minister also raised a point of addressing the most urgent human rights issues.

She emphasized this idea by saying that “this does not mean that one human rights issue is more important than the others. However, we must focus our efforts on ensuring that this will have an impact”.

Also Read: ASEAN celebrates Human Rights Declaration Day

Collaboration on Human Rights

Lastly, the Foreign Minister raised her third point by saying that human rights should be promoted through cooperation and collaboration.

Furthermore, Marsudi said that on a national scale, the government and civil community must stay at the forefront to protect human rights.

Meanwhile, on an international scale, human rights politicization, double standards, accusations, and humiliation must be avoided, she underscored.

Additionally, she said that “Human rights function as a means to protect human dignity rather than to intensify geopolitical competition.

Our collaboration must be based on good intention and will to learn from one another.” However, the Foreign Ministry organized the RCHR to mark World Human Rights Day.

Indonesian Foreign Minister

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