Tbilisi, 4 March 2022 (TDI): Georgia along with the other partners and participating states of the OSCE launched the Moscow Mechanism today. Ukraine, the war-inflicted country helped and assisted in the launch of this Mechanism.

The purpose is to look into and dig deep into the possible impact of the Russian aggression in the country, according to official resources. Forty-five (45) States are launched the Moscow Mechanism.

Salient Features of Moscow Mechanism

Through Moscow Mechanism, an investigation will be conducted to assess the impact of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. To be more precise, according to official resources, its aim is to study the war’s impact in Ukraine.

The possible issues of war-related crimes will be investigated and studied. Additionally, the plan focuses on studying crimes against humanity too. Abnormal usage and abuse of international human rights law and international humanitarian law will be looked into.

OSCE contraventions will also remain an area of focus. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives a strategy has been adopted. Under this strategy, a mission of experts will be sent to Ukraine to carry out the tasks. It is expected from the experts to achieve the objectives.

What is OSCE?

OSCE stands for the  “Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe”. It basically is the largest entity for regional security across the entire globe. In other words, it can be rightly said that the entity’s area of focus is security.

This security has an array of aspects. The aspects include the political, military, economic, as well as environmental dimensions. Hence it can be rightly said that this organization addresses a broad range of security concerns.

The partner states are from various continents. To name a few Georgia, Belgium, Belarus, Austria, etc. are part of the organization. All the states enjoy an equal role and status. Together they strive for a more secure world.