Sharm El Sheikh, 8 November 2022 (TDI): French President, Emmanuel Macron joined others in Egypt at Climate Change Summit (COP27) on a global call to tackle climate issues.

Macron argued on Monday for a total ban on deep-sea mining, stating that despite the energy and food shortages brought on by the conflict in Ukraine, the environment should continue to take precedence.

The French President declared, “We will not compromise our climate pledges under the energy threat from Russia, and as a result, all agreements maintained by states must be upheld.

This has been the delivery of our national strategies, in line with our commitments, for the richer countries, especially the European countries including France.”

The United States, China, and other wealthy non-European countries have been challenged by French President Emmanuel Macron to contribute fairly to aiding developing nations in addressing climate change.

At the UN Climate Summit (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, Macron said on Monday that “we need the United States and China to step up” in terms of carbon reductions and financial assistance.

Macron’s statement is viewed by the Chief Advisor of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) as a successful political signal that significant negotiations have begun.

Also Read: Women to be Place at Center of COP27

“The largest challenge we are currently dealing with is climate change. There are several crises going on, including the biodiversity crisis, the energy crisis, and the food crisis, but climate change is always present and sometimes even takes center stage” Deputy Global Leader on Climate and Energy at WWF, Stephen Cornelius stated.

France responded to the call of United Nations (UN) General Secretary Antonio Guterres, for immediate response to Climate Change at COP27, UNFCCC.

“Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish. It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact,” Over 100 world leaders gathered for the first official plenary of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) were told by the secretary-general of the UN.

In response to Antonio Guterres’ appeal for vulnerable populations to be protected in advance of natural disasters, the French are implementing early warning systems to combat climate change, told the French Foreign Minister. In 2023, France will increase financial support for the CREWS initiative.

CREWS initiative

CREWS is a mechanism that provides funding to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDC) for risk-informed early warning systems that are implemented by three partners and are based on well-defined operating procedures.

To make early warning systems more accessible and available, CREWS works together with nations. With the assistance of Implementing Partners who provide technical assistance and capacity building, governments carry out national and regional programs.


Musfirah Rashid, Mphil Student at Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.