Brest, 12 February 2022 (TDI): French President Emmanuel Macron announced a new plan for Ocean protection. He also gave new observations about the safety of French Antarctic territories.

Along these lines, President Macron pointed out “2022 will be a decisive year, we should take here, in Brest, clear and firm commitments.” Europe has a key role to play in the upcoming events linked to the preservation of the oceans is predominant,” Macron added.

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John Carry stated that the Ocean produces more than half of the oxygen that people breathe, and even that is at risk. He also said that “the Ocean and Climate are inextricably linked, they’re the same.”

“We are the prisoners of a status quo.” Particularly those who run for office, in regards of their powerful vested interests that push back against change”, he added.

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In addition, the EU Commission President highlighted that “as big as our shared responsibility is, people have come to Brest today to join forces and turn the tide”. Ursula stated that Europe can make a gigantic contribution. That is why all states should enforce the alliance between the people and the organization.

In this regard, President Macron officially introduced the One Ocean Summit. This basically works as a joint conference by France to promote clean energy. Mainly to address the large hole and gap about world clean environment.

Therefore, it is a struggle to urge the international community to cooperate in cleaning oceans and controlling plastics production. Not to mention, the Summit pointed out the relevance to take serious and responsible measures to protect the environment. It is important to point out the UN previously called a conference on February 28th to discuss this matter.

France-US Joint Statement 

On the other hand, France and the U.S. jointly stated they will support launching negotiations at the upcoming UN Environment Assembly. This will focus on a global agreement to address the full lifecycle of plastics and promote a circular economy.

In this regard, the French government announced that it will provide a large investment in nuclear for the environment. Especially to reduce nuclear energy waste and achieve carbon neutrality until 2050.