Paris, 6 July 2023 (TDI): France has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Ukraine in its pursuit of justice for the crimes committed by Russia during the aggression in Ukraine.

Two new missions, funded by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Crisis and Support Centre, have been deployed to Ukraine to assist Ukrainian investigators.

France has responded to Ukraine’s request for assistance by deploying a team comprising gendarmes from the Central Office for Combating Environmental and Public Health Offences (OCLAESP) and an expert from the Gendarmerie Forensic Institute (IRCGN).

This team has been supporting Ukrainian authorities in investigating environmental crimes since the start of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Moreover, they have been specifically involved in the investigation of the Kalynivka oil depot, which suffered significant damage and resulted in a large-scale oil spillage into the soil and groundwater.

A second team consisting of IRCGN experts specializing in 3D modeling, crime scene digitization, drones, and explosives has been deployed under the auspices of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Additionally, the French gendarmes provided training on managing and securing complex crime scenes to Ukrainian units operating near the front line.

They also visited the site of a destroyed hospital in the city of Dnipro, where they supported Ukrainian investigators in implementing the modeling techniques taught during the training.

Also Read: France condemns latest Russian strikes in Ukraine

An observation and digitization mission was conducted at a residential building that was destroyed, collecting traces and evidence of the damage caused to civilian property. The evidence collected has been handed over to the ICC and Ukrainian courts to support their respective investigations.

Furthermore, France has provided the Ukrainian authorities with equipment for documenting and securing complex crime scenes, including computer systems for creating digital 3D models, 360° cameras for virtual scene visits, and tablets with laser modeling capabilities.

France has been one of the strongest supporters of Ukraine since the war between Ukraine and Russia started in February 2022.