Paris, 26 June 2023 (TDI): France has strongly condemned the air strikes that took place on June 25 in Idlib province, located in northwestern Syria.

These attacks resulted in the tragic loss of lives, with at least 13 people, including two children, losing their lives and several dozen others sustaining injuries.

In response to this horrific incident, France expresses its deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims affected by these attacks.

Furthermore, France reiterates its unwavering support for the United Nations Secretary-General’s call, as well as that of the Special Envoy, to bring an end to the ongoing hostilities across Syria.

Moreover, it emphasizes the urgent need to implement a political solution in accordance with Resolution 2254, which serves as a framework for resolving the conflict and establishing lasting peace in the region.

According to the statement issued by the French foreign ministry, France remains committed to upholding the principles of international humanitarian law and human rights.

It emphasizes the importance of adhering to these fundamental principles and its support for efforts to combat impunity for any violations committed.

The air strikes in Idlib province are a stark reminder of the ongoing violence and suffering endured by the people of Syria.

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Furthermore, France recognizes the urgent need to find a comprehensive and lasting resolution to the conflict that will alleviate the suffering of the Syrian population and bring about a stable and peaceful future for the country.

As the international community continues to address the complex challenges in Syria, France stands firm in its commitment to promoting peace, justice, and respect for human rights, according to the statement issued by French officials.

The country will also continue to work closely with its international partners to achieve a political settlement that ensures the well-being and security of all Syrians.