Foreign Secretary of Pakistani holds briefing session with Diplomats

Foreign Secretary holds briefing session with diplomats
Briefing Session of Foreign Secretary with Pakistani ambassadors

Islamabad, 27 August 2022 (TDI): Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Sohail Mahmood, had a briefing session with Pakistan’s Ambassadors/Heads of Missions in various capitals regarding the flood situation in the country.

The Foreign Secretary discussed the calamity due to the unprecedented monsoon floods. He highlighted the initiatives taken by the Pakistani government with assistance from the UN, IFIs, and other nations and organizations. He appreciated all the efforts to tackle the ongoing flood problem.

The Foreign Secretary stressed the significance of unified and coordinated efforts for emergency rescue and assistance. Long-term repair and rehabilitation will be taken in action in addition to these coordinated efforts.

The Foreign secretary shared the details of the loss of life and damage to infrastructure done by the floods. Moreover, they talked about issues like food shortage, communicable diseases, loss of shelter, and non-availability of water and sanitation facilities.

Actions by Pakistani Ambassadors

The Foreign Secretary asked the Missions to take the initiative in enlisting support for the national initiatives from the Pakistani diaspora. He also requested the world community to help in the form of resources and humanitarian aid.

The foreign secretary and the ambassadors also discussed the UN Flash Appeal. The appeal will be released simultaneously on August 30 in Geneva and Islamabad.

The Ambassadors gave a briefing on the wide variety of initiatives they are pursuing to raise international awareness. They are also trying to win backing for the government’s rescue and relief efforts.

The ambassadors exchanged opinions regarding close collaboration, prompt information sharing, and the implementation of the continuing operations.

Pakistan is one of the ten most disaster-prone nations due to climate change. The latest flash floods are yet another example of the said data. It is critical that the world community support Pakistan at crucial times. Pakistan’s efforts to mitigate the effects of such natural disasters need support.