Archazor, 19 December 2022 (TDI): A round table discussion was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 18, 2022, in the mountain resort of Archazor (Tashkent Region).
The round table discussion was titled “The New Uzbekistan – a Reliable Partner in a Changing and Interconnected World”.
The event was attended by members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Senior Management, Heads of Diplomatic Missions abroad, representatives of international organizations accredited in Tashkent, and Ambassadors from Uzbekistan abroad.
In his speech, Vladimir Norov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, provided information on the successes of New Uzbekistan’s foreign policy. He also gave a speech in which he discussed the successes of New Uzbekistan’s foreign policy.
Address by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Vladimir Norov
Ladies and gentlemen!
I warmly welcome you to our already traditional New Year’s Eve diplomatic event, which this time takes place in the beautiful mountain resort of Archazor.
It gives me great pleasure to see here the heads and representatives of diplomatic missions of our neighboring countries, leading partner states, and international organizations.
I would like to wish all of you a pleasant stay in this cozy corner of Uzbekistan and fruitful communication in a truly friendly and open atmosphere.

Dear friends,
The theme of today’s round table could not better reflect the general paradigm of our country’s open, pragmatic, and consistent foreign policy.
Having embarked on the path of full-scale reforms and democratic transformations, Uzbekistan, under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has initiated a new course in foreign policy.
It is based on a commitment to the principles of international law & an aspiration to peace, good neighborliness, comprehensive cooperation, & the strengthening of regional stability & international security, which fully meets the national interests of Uzbekistan.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is committed to constructive dialogue and the development of multilateral cooperation based on taking into account and respecting the interests of each State. Uzbekistan’s regional interaction in Central Asia is an example of this.

In recent years, we have managed to bring relations with all the states of the region to a high strategic level and through our joint efforts to form an entirely new, positive atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.
In the last five years alone, regional trade turnover has doubled.
Uzbekistan and brotherly neighboring countries have embarked on joint industrial cooperation projects, the creation of efficient value chains, and the development of transport and energy infrastructure.
Together we confront new challenges and risks in the difficult times of uncertainty and instability that the world is experiencing today.
Together we are building a new future for Central Asia as a united, consolidated, stable, and prosperous region, dynamically integrated into global economic relations.

The regular Consultative Meetings of Central Asian Heads of State have been an important mechanism for achieving this high level of mutual trust and cooperation.
They contribute to the development of common positions on issues of regional trade, economic, transport, and environmental interconnectedness, as well as on the resolution of the most acute intraregional issues.
Uzbekistan is a supporter of mutually beneficial, inclusive international cooperation based on respecting the interests of each partner.
In line with this open strategy, our country actively participates in the development of dialogue and interaction in the “Central Asia Plus” formats.

Such meetings are held with Russia, China, the United States, Germany, Italy, India, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council, and the European Union.
We believe that such meetings provide participants with the opportunity to discuss on a regular basis the status and prospects for cooperation between the countries of the region and key foreign policy partners and organizations.
The Central Asia Plus format serves to strengthen and maintain regional balance and demonstrates our commitment to pursuing a calibrated, truly independent policy, without getting involved in various kinds of disagreements.
Recently, we successfully held in Samarkand the First International Conference “EU-Central Asia” Connectivity: “the Global Gateway”.
The actual topics of promoting sustainable connectivity, and developing coordinated measures to support “green” development and recovery from the consequences of the pandemic were discussed.
Life itself shows the exceptional, one might say alternative importance of such pragmatic and constructive diplomacy in modern conditions.
Uzbekistan firmly adheres to the position that conflicts and confrontations lead only to destructive consequences and situations in which there are no winners.
Uzbekistan actively participates in the development of dialogue and interaction in the “Central Asia Plus” formats.
Only diplomacy based on reasonable compromise can equally and conflict-free satisfy the interests of all sides. As the Head of Uzbekistan stresses, effective international interaction makes our interconnected world more stable, predictable, and prosperous.
This is the most realistic, accessible, and close way to solve the problems of our time and settle emergency crisis situations.
Our country demonstrates a strong commitment to the principles of multilateralism, opening up new horizons in the interaction with international organizations.
Uzbekistan consistently stands for strengthening the central role of the UN in solving global problems and ensuring international security.
As you know, our President put forward a number of major initiatives within the framework of the UN, including promoting regional and international cooperation in Central Asia, strengthening the connectivity of Central and South Asia, and creating conditions for achieving global sustainable development goals.
Just the other day, on December 14, during its 78th session, the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution on Strengthening the Role of Parliaments in Accelerating the Achievement of the SDGs, initiated by the head of our state.

Following the goals of establishing lasting peace and stability in neighboring Afghanistan, the head of Uzbekistan made a proposal on the CICA platform to create an International Negotiating Group on Afghanistan under the auspices of the UN.
The joint practical implementation of these and many other initiatives put forward by the head of Uzbekistan will make it possible to form a wide space for interregional cooperation, free from “zero-sum” confrontation and rivalry.
During its chairmanship at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Uzbekistan made significant efforts to increase the value of multilateral cooperation by strengthening regional connectivity.
The priorities of our chairmanship were aimed at opening up new strategic vectors of mutually beneficial cooperation: transport, energy, food and ecological security, innovation, digital transformation, and green economy.
In each of these areas, in close cooperation with our partners, we adopted a record number of documents, which demonstrates the growing interest of all SCO states in the development of multilateral cooperation.
This is a very good and positive signal from the Organization, whose membership continues to grow with new members, strengthening its international authority.
At the SCO summit, Uzbekistan proposed to the world community the Samarkand Solidarity Initiative for the Sake of Common Security and Prosperity.
Also read: Uzbekistan’s Defense Ministry celebrates 10th Anniversary with MSNG in the US
Its goal is to involve in the global inter-civilizational dialogue all those who are not indifferent to our common future, and who are ready, despite disagreements, to seek agreed approaches and solutions.
Ancient and eternally young Samarkand has become the venue for another major international Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS).
The Samarkand OTS Summit confirmed the course of transformation of this structure from a platform of interaction into a full-fledged regional organization of practical cooperation in trade, economic, transport, cultural, and humanitarian spheres.
Having assumed the presidency of the OTS following its summit, Uzbekistan is committed to contributing to the further strengthening of the pragmatic line of cooperation within the Organization.
Your Excellencies!
The Republic of Uzbekistan will continue to give priority to deepening and expanding mutually beneficial and multifaceted strategic ties with all our regional and global partners, both at the bilateral and multilateral levels.
In accordance with the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan, aimed at building a strong rule of law state-based, our country will continue to pursue a balanced foreign policy based on trust and respect, mutually beneficial cooperation.
Relations with the states of the CIS, Asia, Europe, America, the Near and the Middle East will be elevated to a new, higher level.
In accordance with the initiatives of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, cooperation with high-profile international and regional organizations and global financial institutions will be expanded.
The diplomacy of Uzbekistan will make active efforts to promote national interests in global economic relations, attracting more foreign investment, advanced technologies, and knowledge, as well as tourist flows to the country.
Dear friends,
I hope that with your active participation, foreign policy and foreign economic relations between our countries will continue to grow stronger and be filled with new content, mutually beneficial projects, and significant initiatives.
Our further interaction will serve to further strengthen the friendly, mutually beneficial ties between our countries and peoples.
Thank you for your attention!
The Diplomatic Insight is a digital and print magazine focusing on diplomacy, defense, and development publishing since 2009.