Beijing, 19 February 2022 (TDI):  Foreign Minister and State Councilor of China, Wang Yi joined the virtual meeting of the 58th Munich Security Conference (MSC) 2022 on global politics.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi encouraged the international community to oppose attempts to begin a new “Cold War” and to work toward long-term peace in the world.

Wang Yi emphasized that the security of one nation should not be acquired at the price of the stability of other countries, and that regional security should not rely on growing military blocs.

Further, he added that the world is facing the prospect of schism and confrontation again and “certain major states” are revitalizing the Cold War mentality and fomenting conflict across blocs.

In this regard, asking for collaborative efforts to address issues, solidarity and cooperation must be increased under the flag of multilateralism to usher in a bright future.

He stated that to make the world a better place, big nations must take the lead in upholding multilateralism by fulfilling their global responsibilities, adhering to the goals of the United Nations Charter, and contributing to global peace and development.

Wang emphasized the need of “genuine multilateralism” saying that no government, not even a superpower, can put its own will above international laws.

He urged China and Europe to work together to bring more stability and good energy into the globe, and he urged the both sides to stick to their comprehensive strategic relationship.

He stated that China will continue to support the European integration project as well as Europe’s strategic independence.

On the other hand, he urged Europe to remain dedicated to discussion and collaboration with China, as well as to be persistent in forging mutually beneficial relationships between the two sides.

In answer to questioning from MSC Chairman, Wolfgang Ischinger during the discussion, Wang also spoke on NATO expansion, European security, and Ukraine tensions.

According to Wang, NATO, as a product of the Cold War, which ended a long time ago, should make the required modifications.

Further he showed the concern that “Is NATO’s continued eastward expansion advantageous to sustaining peace and stability in Europe?”

He emphasized China’s position that all nations’ sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity should be maintained and protected, and said that Ukraine is no exception.

He encouraged all parties to adhere to the Minsk II agreement approved in 2015 and to develop a strategy and schedule for implementing the accord.

Instead of escalating tensions and sensationalizing the prospect of conflict, all parties should take responsibility and fight for peace.

He stressed that all parties may express their worries about Europe’s security, and Russia’s genuine security concerns should be recognized.


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