Kabul, 25 September 2023 (TDI): The Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, Maulvi Amir Khan Muttaqi met with the leading members of the Austrian Freedom Party on September 24, in Kabul.

At the outset of the meeting the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), highlighted to the members of the Austrian Freedom Party that he stands content regarding the situation in Afghanistan.

He also emphasized that the situation in Afghanistan is very different from what is shown and said in the press.

The members of the Austrian Freedom Party on their part admitted that the situation in Afghanistan is much better than what they had heard from the press before their arrival. 

The Austrian politicians also highlighted that they have talked with some Afghans about the current situation in Kabul. 

As a result of talking with them, the Austrian politicians stated that it was evident to them that Afghans are happy with the current situation and consider their lives safe and secure in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

In this regard, one of the members of the Freedom Party said, “I regret that the current central government of Afghanistan, which has ensured global security and put an end to four decades of troubles in Afghanistan, is still not recognized.”

Also read: Iranian delegation meets Afghan Foreign Minister

As a result of the meeting, the members of the Freedom Party emphasized and promised that they would take the real picture of the current situation of Afghanistan with them to Europe and share it with their officials, people, and European Union member countries. 

Besides highlighting the situation in Afghanistan, the Foreign Minister of IEA also talked about providing consular services and creating other facilities to solve the problems of Afghans in Vienna, the center of Austria.


Foreign Minister of Afghanistan