HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsFinland celebrates 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Lithuania

Finland celebrates 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Lithuania


Helsinki, 14 October 2021 (TDI): Finland and Lithuania are celebrating today centenary of diplomatic relations. Finland recognized the independence of Lithuania on October 14, 1921, and commenced diplomatic relations with it.

Lithuania and Finland are part of the Nordic-Baltic region. They have close economic, cultural, and political ties. Finland has a huge investment in Lithuania. In fact, it is the seventh biggest investor in Lithuania. Almost 170 companies of Finland are operating in Lithuania which provides employment to about 10,000 people in Lithuania.

The two countries enjoy close and warm relations. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the countries have strengthened their relationship. They have common interests under the agenda of the European Union. The government of Finland appreciates the reforms taken by the leadership of Lithuania. It also acknowledges the role of the leaders of Lithuania in advocating for EU values.

Lithuania looks forward to enhancing its cooperation with Finland in the fields of digitalization and green agenda. The two countries look forward to strengthening their bilateral relations under the framework of the European Union.

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