Strasbourg, 6 July 2022 (TDI): The European Parliament (EP) ratified landmark rules for resolving internet issues, on Tuesday.

In a plenary session, the final voting was held on Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA). These two bills aimed at addressing the economic and societal effects of the tech industry, following how they operate in the European Union (EU).

The Digital Markets Act was adopted with 588 votes in favor, 31 abstentions, and 11 votes against. While The Digital Services Act (DSA), by 539 in favor, 30 abstentions and 54 votes against.

The Digital Services Act

It contains obligations for digital service providers to tackle online disinformation and the spread of illegal content on the internet.

The obligations include

  • Measures to counter illegal online content and platforms to respond quickly, while respecting basic rights like protecting data.
  • Increased accountability and transparency of platforms through providing correct information on content moderation.
  • Strengthened checks and traceability online on traders for ensuring that services and products are safe.
  • Bans on misleading and targeted advertising, for instance, those target children.
The Digital Markets Act

It contains obligations for the internet platforms that act as gatekeepers, to ensure fair business in the digital market.

The obligations also include; allowing third parties to operate their own services, and smaller platforms can request messaging platforms to enable their users to exchange files or messages.

Furthermore, it includes allowing business platforms to access data they generate, for promoting it on their own, and sign contracts with customers without dominating platforms’ interference.

Above all, DMA includes the dos and don’ts for gatekeepers.

Andreas Schwab, German MEP (Member of Parliament) stated, “With this legislative package, the EU parliament has stepped into a new tech regulation era.”

Moreover, the President of the European Commission also welcomed the decision of the European Parliament on adopting the EU rule book. “The European Union (EU) commission will be a digital regulator for big platforms,” she said.

However, after being formally adopted by the council, both acts would be published in the Journal of EU and after 20 days enter into force.


Senior year student of International Relations at Kinnaird College.