EU supports food security in Uganda

EU supports food security in Uganda

Brussels, 12 August 2022 (TDI): The European Union (EU) has allocated 4 million euros to Uganda to help the country address the influx of new refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and address food insecurity in Uganda’s Karamoja region.

The European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic said, “The funding will enable our humanitarian partners to address the most urgent emergency needs, including supporting those newly displaced.”

Additionally, Lenarcic stated, “Funding has been allocated to Uganda to help the country address the rapidly deteriorating food security situation in its Karamoja region, where half a million people are in need of food assistance.”

Including the 4 million euros funding, the total amount allocated by EU to Uganda leads to 34 million euros, in 2022. The funding aims at providing humanitarian assistance to Uganda along with the humanitarian partners.

In addition, the EU’s humanitarian aid provides nutrition assistance to the refugees thereby boosting food security in Uganda. It also provides life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable.

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Situation in Uganda

Karamoja region, located in the northeast of Uganda, faces 70 per cent food poverty. The region continues to have the highest food insecurity and malnutrition levels in Uganda. The factors behind this include inadequate food, structural poverty, poor hygiene, and disease.

Additionally, the region also faces a predisposition to recurrent climate-related shocks. These include extended mid-season drought, erratic rainfall that often causes floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the security situation in the DRC has resulted in a large number of people seeking refuge in neighbouring Uganda. This includes more than 57,000 refugees arriving since January 2022. Uganda already hosts the largest refugee population in Africa (1.5 million) and the third largest in the world.

Currently, the Karamoja region is facing devasting consequences of drought, coupled with food insecurity and an influx of refugees. The EU has been allocating funds to help Uganda address both the food insecurity and refugee challenges.