Brussels, 16 December 2021 (TDI): The EU institution’s leaders signed a Joint Declaration on EU legislative priorities for 2022 to welcome progress on the 2021 priorities, on the 16th of December 2021.

The European Parliament President, David Sassoli, Slovenian Prime Minister, Janez Jansa, and the European Commission’s President, Ursula von der Leyen signed the declaration.

Aim of the Declaration

The Declaration begins the vision for a transformed and irrepressible Europe. It illustrates the determination of the institutions. The declaration will allow the EU to appear stronger after the COVID-19 pandemic. It also deals with the notable consequences of climate change and other global crises.

Joint Declaration Highlights

Joint Declaration highlighted the key legislative proposals. The European Commission will put forward at the end of Autumn of 2021.

The legislative proposals commit the three institutions to give maximum priority to achieve the initiatives aimed at delivering on the European Green Deal, advanced Europe digital age, ideal European economy, stronger Europe in the world, encouraging European way of life, and strong democracy and defending common European values.

The three institutions emphasized achieving maximum progress on the initiatives included in the Joint Declaration by the end of 2022. They have also asserted their commitment to follow up on the citizen-led Conference on the Future of Europe outcome.

President Sassoli said: “We are committed to delivering a stronger, fairer, more sustainable, more digital, and more resilient Europe for our citizens. The European Union should stand proudly for its core values and leave no one behind.

Prime Minister Jansa said: “Our three institutions are united in delivering an ambitious political and legislative agenda that aims to enhance Europe’s resilience and promote its recovery, enabling us all to build back better together.

The Joint Declaration on the EU’s legislative priorities for 2022 that we sign today builds on what we achieved in the current year and reaffirms our commitment to a fairer, greener, and more digital Europe, a Union that looks to the future and responds to citizens’ expectations leaving no one behind.”

President von der Leyen said: “Europe must deliver solutions to citizens’ immediate problems, notably on the pandemic and its fallout on their daily life, as well as to the long term challenges we face together, like climate change.

Our Joint Declaration shows our commitment to working hard together to deliver solutions on all these issues, from health to climate change, from digital transformation to broad economic prosperity.” 

The three institutions will coordinate for working based on Declaration as well as with the working document that enlisted some 138 key legislative proposals.