Port-au-Prince, 14 February 2022 (TDI): The world humanitarian community is working together to raise up to $2 billion for the long-term recovery of Haiti after a quake that killed 2,200 people and injured 12,700 more.

A 7.2-magnitude earthquake rocked this Caribbean Island nation’s southwest in August 2021, devastating the rural areas. Along with the deaths and injuries, the disaster also damaged tens of thousands of homes as well as important pieces of infrastructure like schools, hospitals, highways, and bridges, causing major disruptions to the community.

The Haitian government is working with nations across the globe to raise up to $2 billion for the long-term rehabilitation and restoration of the country, around six months after a devastating earthquake struck in the southwest.

According to current estimates, the earthquake has had a direct impact on upwards of 800,000 individuals. Alexis Masciarelli of the World Food Program stated that the earthquakes that devastated the Caribbean Island in August 2021 wreaked havoc on the remotest parts of the island.

Additionally, hundreds of homes were demolished or severely damaged, and critical infrastructure, including schools and bridges, was destroyed, causing major disruptions in services, transportation, agriculture, and trade. More than 300,000 children’s educations were disrupted as a result of the storm, which impacted over 800,000 people.

Government relief was offered to earthquake victims immediately following the disaster, with the help of the United Nations and other organizations. An OCHA team was responsible for coordinating the relief activities.

IOM provided temporary refuge for those who had lost their houses, food, and other possessions. Schools that had not been damaged were given hot lunches by the World Food Program (WFP) to encourage attendance.

Emergency wards for 60 health institutions were provided by the UN Population Fund and the UN Children’s Fund. Tent births were the norm for expectant mothers. Six months after the earthquake, Haiti’s long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts have officially begun.

According to a government analysis released in November, it will take close to $2 billion to restore and recover. Housing, health care, education, and food security will all receive a portion of the $1.5 billion in supplemental funding.

The remainder of the funds will be used to boost agricultural production, trade, and industry, as well as to repair critical public works. Additional funds will be provided for environmental programs.

As a result of the terrible earthquake of January 12, 2010, which killed an estimated 220,000 people, Haiti has learned a lot about dealing with natural catastrophes. The devastation caused by this tragedy, and the way the country responded, showed the value of national leadership.

Since it was directly affected by the tragedy, it was impossible for the government to handle such a large-scale emergency response in 2010. As a result, the world community ignored the government.

In addition, Haiti has to put in place more comprehensive disaster prevention mechanisms. Thousands of people were forced from their houses after tens of thousands of them fell or were destroyed.
